Archive for the ‘Political Verse’ Category

Trump’s Latest Scam (Limerick)

Saturday, January 18th, 2025

Axios Headline: “Trump launches meme coin, apparently makes more than $25 billion overnight”

Trump made $25 “yards” overnight
With the $TRUMP coin — his new grifting blight.
By the way, “yard’s” a billion;
No NOT a mere million–
Bigly duping the not-very-bright.

Political Haiku Trio

Wednesday, January 1st, 2025

Trump’s reelection
Shameful watershed moment–
Many tears were shed.


Tesla truck explodes
in front of a Trump Hotel–
Metaphor writes self.


MAGA v. Reason–
ever-widening schism
with no bridge in sight.

Trump’s Speedy Picks (Limerick)

Saturday, December 7th, 2024

Donald’s picks, on the whole, are all feckless.
There’s no vetting, alas. They are checkless.
Trump gives standards short shrift,
But his process is swift.
It’s a cinch being quick when you’re reckless!

The Trump Pick Blues (Limerick)

Wednesday, December 4th, 2024

When a Trump pick is forced to withdraw
Over sex-crimes, or some other flaw,
It seems likely, alas,
That an even worse ass
Will be named to help Trump flout the law.

Shock-Proofed (Quatrain)

Thursday, November 21st, 2024

Most of my political verse takes the form of limericks or haiku. But this one is a four-liner – a quatrain:

I’m not shocked by Trump’s Cabinet picks.
I’m not stunned by each deviant creature.
Because sexual crimes against chicks
For Trump ain’t a bug, but a feature.

More Trump Lies (Limerick)

Wednesday, July 31st, 2024

ABC News Headline: “Donald Trump says Kamala Harris, who’s married to a Jewish man, ‘doesn’t like Jewish people'”

Don-OLD falsely asserts that our VEEP
“Doesn’t like Jewish people.” That creep
Knows full well Doug (her spouse)
Is a Jew. Trump’s a louse
And a felon. The man’s full of… BLEEP!

The Battle Ahead (Limerick)

Tuesday, July 23rd, 2024

The journey that took us from Joe
To Kamala WAS a bit slow.
But now that we’re there,
We’ll win this, I swear!
To the Trump and Vance pair, just say NO!

The Trials Of Trump (3-Verse Limerick)

Monday, April 22nd, 2024

It’s a challenge for Trump to comply
With societal rules. He’s a guy
Who has always felt free
To ignore them with glee;
To break laws and to flagrantly lie.

Trump’s accustomed to getting his way.
But in Criminal Court, he lacks sway.
It’s the Judge who has power,
So Don’s looking dour,
Forced to hold all his anger at bay.

Be quiet in court and sit down!
Trump’s compelled to comply (with a frown.)
For he fin’lly must face
His first criminal case:
It’s Judge Merchan who now wears the crown!

Trump’s Sore-Winner Speech (Limerick)

Wednesday, January 24th, 2024

A sane presidential candidate would have been pleased after his double-digit New Hampshire primary win over Nikki Haley. But not Donald! He was so furious over Haley’s concession speech vow to remain in the race, that he seethed instead of celebrating:

“Mr. Trump delivered a crude, bitter victory speech attacking Ms. Haley; her chief surrogate, Gov. Chris Sununu of New Hampshire; and the state’s primary process…”

Dear Trump, you sound terribly mad.
I’m confused: You just won. Why so sad?
You di’n’t win by enough?
Oh, poor baby! That’s rough!
But there’s always your dear old pal, Vlad.

Open Limerick To Cognitively-Challenged Trump

Saturday, January 20th, 2024

My latest limerick requires a bit of background info, for those who missed Trump’s latest cognitive quagmire: In New Hampshire this past week, Trump converted his Pelosi lie about January 6 security into a Nikki Haley lie.

And no, I am NOT making this up: According to Trump, Haley was in charge of security during the January 6 Capitol attack, and Haley turned down Trump’s (non-existent) offer of 10,000 National Guard soldiers. (Apparently, the former South Carolina governor and U.N. ambassador became Speaker of the House when nobody was looking.)

Here’s my Open Limerick To Cognitively-Challenged Trump:

Pelosi’s a female, it’s true.
So is Haley, and both oppose YOU.
Nonetheless, it’s unwise
To (while spinning your lies)
Confuse those two gals, as you spew.

Deal? Or NO Deal? (Limerick)

Monday, May 29th, 2023

This confession will make me look mad,
But I simply can’t help being sad
That a debt deal is close,
Cuz it’s time for a dose
Of the 14th Amendment. (My bad?)

Limerick Ode To Solidarity

Monday, May 1st, 2023

We the Dems must show full solidarity
To counter the loathsome barbarity
Of Republican stances,
Whose fright’ning advances
Account for this lack of hilarity.

Pending Celebration (Limerick)

Tuesday, March 14th, 2023

I am planning a huge celebration,
Which will feature great food and libation.
The date’s still not set,
But I’m hosting my fête
On the day of Trump’s freedom cessation.

Limerick Ode To George Santos

Wednesday, March 1st, 2023

Most constituents sigh, whine, and grouse
About Santos, a villainous louse.
He’s a con-artist worm
Who should serve a long term
In a JAILHOUSE and NOT in the House.

Wake Up and Be Woke! (Limerick)

Sunday, February 19th, 2023

Republican pols love to cloak
Their meanness by calling things “woke.”
Well if showing awareness
Of blatant unfairness
Is “woke,” we should ALL be woke folk.

Haiku Message To Journalists

Wednesday, December 14th, 2022

Remaining “neutral”
and bothsidesing ev’rything–
a gift to liars.

Immersed In Mendacity (Limerick and Haiku)

Saturday, December 3rd, 2022

Many folks have a shocking capacity
For deception and lies — sheer mendacity.
They will lie to the max,
Spurring violent attacks
On those guilty of naught but veracity.


When mendacity
replaces veracity,
sorry state indeed.

Common Sense Haiku

Friday, November 4th, 2022

A Political Haiku, for a Change of Pace

Monday, October 31st, 2022

You KNOW Who You Are!

Wednesday, October 26th, 2022

You think women have too many rights
And that MORE guns will somehow stop fights.
You’ll vote for a liar;
A guy you’d not hire
To baby or dog-sit. That bites!