Archive for the ‘GOP Humor’ Category

Unity Rubbish (Limerick)

Saturday, July 20th, 2024

Please don’t fall for the GOP lies
About “unity.” Buyer be wise!
It does have a nice ring,
But their “unity” thing
Just applies to straight, white, Christian guys!

GOPers Court Trump At Court (Limerick)

Thursday, May 16th, 2024

Washington Post Headline: “Republicans flock to court to ‘kiss the ring’ during Trump criminal trial”

GOPers are flocking to court
To kiss Donald’s rump and help thwart
New York’s efforts to try
Donald Trump. (He’s their guy!)
And to truth, law, and justice distort.

Trump Quatrain

Tuesday, January 2nd, 2024

Ruthless Trump lies and spews
Countless gripes that are groundless.
His fans buy his “truths.”
Their naivety’s boundless!

Hooray For Wokeness (Limerick)

Wednesday, November 29th, 2023

Heartless GOP pols keep expounding
On the “evils of wokeness,” confounding
All the fine, humane folk
Who remain proudly woke–
Social justice awareness abounding.

Still Munching On Popcorn (Limerick)

Friday, October 20th, 2023

The House GOP is a mess.
And it seems to be anyone’s guess
When they’ll fin’lly elect
A new Speaker. They’re wrecked!
Is it glee you detect? Oh my, yes!

Matt Gaetz v. Speaker McCarthy

Monday, October 2nd, 2023

The long-looming motion by Gaetz,
Meant to toss out the Speaker he hates,
Has fin’lly been filed.
So McCarthy is riled
And heated arm-twisting awaits.

Boebert’s Juicy Display (Limerick)

Sunday, September 24th, 2023

By now, you’ve surely heard about Lauren Boebert’s Beetlejuice “performance.” Here’s an entertaining column about Boebert somehow managing to outdo herself in the indecency department.

And here’s my latest limerick:

“Pious” Boebert’s well-known for her rudeness,
Even crudeness (though surely not shrewdness.)
Her vulgar display
At a play made my day:
An infamous “born-again” lewdness.

The Former Liar-In-Chief (Limerick)

Friday, September 15th, 2023

Though Donald, whose falsehoods are chronic,
May not think of his speech as ironic,
The irony’s clear
In a phrase he holds dear:
“To be honest.” (It’s also demonic.)

Trump Supporters Scammed Yet Again (Limerick)

Tuesday, May 30th, 2023

Headline: “Trump Supporters Scammed By Novelty Items—‘Trump Bucks’—Advertised As Legal Tender”

Trump’s supporters are easily scammed.
Flimflams flourish when Trumpers are spammed:
Use his name or his pic
On a product? They’re thick,
So they’ll buy it… and Reason Be Damned!

Deal? Or NO Deal? (Limerick)

Monday, May 29th, 2023

This confession will make me look mad,
But I simply can’t help being sad
That a debt deal is close,
Cuz it’s time for a dose
Of the 14th Amendment. (My bad?)

Limerick Ode To Smart-Ass DeSantis

Thursday, May 25th, 2023

“DeSantis debacle: Twitter Spaces presidential announcement marred by technical problems.”

Smart-Ass Ron: Had you asked someone sane
About venues to launch your campaign,
(S)he’d have warned “Do Not Do
A Twitter Debut!”
(Sound advice you’d have viewed with disdain.)

Open Limerick To Joe Biden

Tuesday, May 23rd, 2023

The 14th Amendment is clear,
And the time to take action is here.
Quash the “ceiling” charade:
Our debts must be paid!
Kick extortionist pols in the rear!

Yet Another Trump Limerick

Tuesday, May 16th, 2023

Four more years of a man who’s our bane?
A man with a venomous brain?
What’s the crux of the matter?
Trump’s vile — a Mad Hatter!
The GOP’s choice is insane!

Comer’s Phantom Informant (Limerick)

Sunday, May 14th, 2023

“James Comer Has Misplaced Biden ‘Informant'”

Comer claims to have dirt on Joe Biden;
An “informant,” he said, was providin’
The proof that he needs
Of Biden’s misdeeds.
Seems his make-believe source is in hidin’.

Limerick Ode To Solidarity

Monday, May 1st, 2023

We the Dems must show full solidarity
To counter the loathsome barbarity
Of Republican stances,
Whose fright’ning advances
Account for this lack of hilarity.

GOP Taboos (Limerick)

Monday, April 10th, 2023

The list of things now deemed taboo
By Republicans grows right on cue:
Sculpture, books, proven facts,
Pills, and personal acts…
Unless done by their guy: You Know Who!

Stop The TEASE!

Thursday, March 23rd, 2023

Is anyone else feeling teased
By Trumpian news? I’m displeased!
Yes, there’s LOTS of excitement,
But where’s the indictment?
No perp walk? No plea? Not appeased!

Who Caused The Jan. 6 Violence? It’s Pence, says Trump (Limerick)

Thursday, March 16th, 2023

Washington Post Headline: “Trump claims violence he inspired on Jan. 6 was Pence’s fault”

“The former president suggested the riot could have been avoided if his vice president had cooperated in overturning the results”

As usual, Trump makes no sense
And his distance from truth is immense.
Who’s at fault for Jan. 6?
Here’s the “culprit” Trump picks:
He’s now blaming the violence on Pence.

Pending Celebration (Limerick)

Tuesday, March 14th, 2023

I am planning a huge celebration,
Which will feature great food and libation.
The date’s still not set,
But I’m hosting my fête
On the day of Trump’s freedom cessation.

Limerick Ode To George Santos

Wednesday, March 1st, 2023

Most constituents sigh, whine, and grouse
About Santos, a villainous louse.
He’s a con-artist worm
Who should serve a long term
In a JAILHOUSE and NOT in the House.