Archive for the ‘Nanny State’ Category

Poor Donnie Feels Harassed (Limerick)

Thursday, December 13th, 2018

Trump had the audacity to threaten the Democrats: He “warned he would not work with Democrats if they continue to support the special counsel investigation and are ‘going to do presidential harassment.’”

Donald’s warnings to Dems are confusing;
Also foolish, bizarre, and amusing:
“Presidential harassment”
Must stop! If the Ass meant
To scare us, he must have been boozing.

D.C. Snow Job

Thursday, February 5th, 2009

Life in Washington, D.C. must be great! Otherwise, the D.C. Council would surely have better things to do than passing laws that require drivers to remove snow from their cars.

I’m not kidding. The D.C. Council has “unanimously approved emergency legislation that will require drivers to remove frozen snow and ice from their vehicles.”

But the good news is there’s no fine … yet … just a warning. A last minute amendment eliminated the fine “until a hearing can be held and council members can study laws in other jurisdictions.”

I love “Nanny State” laws, don’t you?

D.C. Snow Job
By Madeleine Begun Kane

I am guessing D.C. is crime free,
And that cops there are bored as can be.
How else to explain
A new law that’s insane:
Auto-snow is illegal debris.

Ode To Colorado: Nanny State

Saturday, March 22nd, 2008

Jeralyn over at Talk Left has declared Colorado to be a “Nanny State.”  Why? Because its Appeals Court has decreed that Colorado no-smoking laws apply to actors on stage.

(Coincidentally, just last night my husband and I saw an Off-Broadway play during which two of the actors smoked.  In fact, we got a second-row contact-high from one of them.)

But getting back to the Colorado judiciary, the court deserves a limerick, don’t you think?

Ode To Colorado: Nanny State
By Madeleine Begun Kane

“No smoking on stage!” says the judge,
Cuz “No smoking indoors!” He won’t budge.
So no matter the role,
There’s a no-smoke patrol.
Soon they won’t let their actors eat fudge.

You can find more of my smoking-related humor here and my theater-related humor here.)[tags]Legal Satire, Judge Humor, No-Smoking Humor, Smoking Laws, Theater Humor, Actors Verse[/tags]