Archive for the ‘David Frum’ Category

Ode To David Frum

Tuesday, October 14th, 2008

David Frum, infamous for fathering (or at least taking credit for fathering) the phrase “Axis of Evil,” took on the wrong person last night. I’m referring, of course, to Rachel Maddow.

Frum (without any provocation) insulted Maddow several times during his interview on Rachel’s MSNBC show.  And the classy and brilliant Maddow let him have it in such a gracious manner, Frum didn’t seem to know what hit him.  Bravo Rachel!!! 

The contrast between Frum’s rude,  condescending behavior and Maddow’s calm, graceful,  yet powerful  take-down was a beautiful thing to watch.  (You can see the Maddow/Frum clip here.) 

I thought I’d celebrate with a limerick:

Ode To David Frum
By Madeleine Begun Kane

There once was a fellow named Frum
Who made a mistake rather dumb:
He started a fight
With Ms. Maddow one night.
When she finished, he looked like a bum.