Archive for the ‘Collective Bargaining’ Category

Political Tidbits

Saturday, March 21st, 2015

Glenn Beck just announced that he’s quitting the Republican Party.

It seems the GOP isn’t quite crazy enough for him.


To prove he really means it this time, Donald Trump is forming a presidential exploratory committee.

Some circuses just can’t have too many rings.


Dear Rand Paul, I don’t live in Kentucky,
And I think that you’re far worse than yucky.
Why’s your newsletter clogging
My email and dogging
My bandwidth with viewpoints so sucky?


Facts can be pesky
and undermine views.
But the right just discards them
like old, worn out shoes.


In a Playboy interview, Dick Cheney said Obama is “the worst president of my lifetime”.

I could have sworn that title belonged to Cheney.


Why don’t I call
the GOP pols heartless?
I hate redundancy.


Re Matt McLaughlin’s gays-killing CA ballot initiative, doesn’t his “Sodomite Suppression Act” deserve a “Matt McLaughlin Suppression Act?”

Alaska Republican Rep. Don Young suggested letting wolves loose to cure the homeless problem.

What a foxy way to angle for a job at Fox News!


The duped marks wallow
in hollow crap they swallow
from pols they follow.


Conservative commentator Dinesh D’Souza has denounced Hillary Clinton’s “lawlessness.”

But I think D’Souza is just lonely serving time for violating campaign finance laws.


Sudden clarity
of thought and reason in pols–
Can’t a gal dream?


Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker has signed a “Right-to-Work” law, a/k/a the “Right to Destroy Unions by Reaping Benefits Without Paying Dues” law.


GOP hucksters
hock our nation’s future
to gain/maintain power.


Limerick Ode To Vendetta Politics

Tuesday, December 11th, 2012

Fox News has found something new to cheer about: Lame duck Michigan Republicans have rammed through a law that would make Michigan the 24th “right-to-work” state. And Republican Governor Rick Snyder is poised to break his prior promise by signing it.

This is payback, of course, to punish auto and other unions for supporting Obama.

Limerick Ode To Vendetta Politics
By Madeleine Begun Kane

Republicans rule by vendetta,
Passing laws meant to enemies fettah:
The Michigan bosses
Blame unions for losses,
So at unions have aimed a Beretta.