Archive for the ‘Democrats Humor’ Category

Dear Dems: DO Something! (Limerick)

Thursday, November 4th, 2021

The shellacking the Dems got this week
Means they’re weak and need more than a tweak.
What they’re doing ain’t working.
Disaster is lurking!
If the Dems don’t shape up, I shall freak.

Unsolicited Advice (Limerick)

Wednesday, November 3rd, 2021

Headline: “Democrats point fingers after Virginia defeat”

My advice for the Dems is “make nice”
With each other; it’s time to think twice
About deal-making fights.
They must learn from last night’s
Disaster. Stop rolling the dice!

Open Limerick To Democratic Pols

Tuesday, July 23rd, 2019

No matter what Democrats do,
We’ll be labelled a socialist crew.
Don’t deny or adapt;
By such spews, don’t be trapped.
And, instead, to your conscience be true.

Going Nuclear To Sell Books (Limerick)

Saturday, November 4th, 2017

I never liked Donna Brazile.
But she’s worse than I thought — just a shill
For her publisher, spurring
Divisiveness, blurring
The truth, hurting Dems, selling swill.

Open Limerick To Bernie Sanders

Monday, July 25th, 2016

Dear Bernie, I hope you’ll succeed
In persuading supporters to heed
All your “real world” advice.
If you fail, our steep price
Is a probable Trumped-up stampede.

Explaining Bernie (Limerick)

Friday, June 17th, 2016

Explain Bernie? I’ll give it a whirl:
He apparently thinks he’s a pearl,
And that Hill and her lot
Are beneath him — worth squat —
Plus he CAN’T bear to lose to a girl.

In the Soup? Flip Superdelegates (Limerick)

Thursday, March 17th, 2016

Sanders’ Campaign Old Stance re Superdelegates: They’re establishment types who undo the will of the voters.

Sanders’ Campaign Post-5-State-Loss Stance: Flip Clinton’s Superdelegates.

Superdelegates ought to be banned;
They’re unfair and can wrongfully hand
The win to the chick
That the voters don’t pick.
This once was the stance of Bern’s brand.

But now that the voters made clear
That Bernie’s support gap’s severe,
He’s looking to woo
Clinton’s “Sups” to undo
Voter powers he claims to hold dear.

Trump To The Rescue (Limerick)

Tuesday, October 13th, 2015

Headline of the Day: “Donald Trump Will Live-Tweet CNN’s Democratic Debate.”

Will the Dem debate generate heat?
Will someone go down in defeat?
Well if points aren’t scored,
And you start to get bored,
You can always watch Donald Trump tweet.

Open Limerick To Anthony Weiner

Thursday, May 23rd, 2013

The audacity of politicians never ceases to astonish me. And Anthony Weiner’s run for New York City Mayor is only the latest example. I just don’t see how he can ever live down his Twitter scandal, and I say that as a New Yorker and former fan.

Open Limerick To Anthony Weiner
By Madeleine Begun Kane

Mr. Weiner, I once was a fan;
You’re an outspoken, liberal man.
But I’m sorry –you’re screwed
By the “ick” factor, dude,
So your mayor plans simply don’t scan.

Plain Advice For Obama (Limerick)

Saturday, May 5th, 2012

Uh-oh! The pressure must be getting to Obama:

Shortly after landing in Columbus, Ohio, for his first rally, Obama walked off Air Force One under gray skies, ready to descend the stairs and greet some grassroots supporters. But after a few short steps, the president quickly doubled back, apparently realizing he had forgotten someone: the first lady.

Plain Advice For Obama (Limerick)
By Madeleine Begun Kane

Dear Obama, to best avoid strife
In your marriage and family life,
When you exit the plane
You’ve little to gain
By leaving behind your dear wife.

Limerick Ode To Jimmy Carter

Thursday, April 26th, 2012

What’s even more annoying than a Jimmy Carter poem? It’s Carter pontificating about the upcoming presidential election:

Former President Jimmy Carter believes Barack Obama will win a second term, but says he’d be “comfortable” with Mitt Romney in the White House because of the Republican’s past history as a “moderate.”

Limerick Ode To Jimmy Carter
By Madeleine Begun Kane

Carter counts on Mitt’s moderate past
With naiveness that leaves me aghast.
I’d be comfy, he says,
With Mitt as our Prez.
Carter’s foolishness truly is vast.

Limerick Ode To Ben Nelson

Thursday, December 29th, 2011

Why would anyone, other than a Republican, lament “centrist” Senator Ben Nelson’s decision not to run for reelection?

Limerick Ode To Ben Nelson
By Madeleine Begun Kane

Ben Nelson won’t run again. Great!
He took stands that were easy to hate:
Helped Republicans halt
Senate votes. Oy gevalt!
He’s a DINO. There’s just no debate.

Limerick Ode To The New, Improved Obama

Tuesday, September 20th, 2011

This devout progressive has been very hard on Obama lately … and with good reason. But the debt ceiling debacle, liberal anger, and sinking poll numbers seem to have woken him up. Suddenly, Obama is the new, improved, assertive, populist President. And many former fans are welcoming back the President they thought they elected.

So, am I cheering? Well, let’s just say I’m giving Obama guarded applause. For while I like some of his jobs and tax proposals, and I love his newly confident, aggressive tone, I’m not convinced that any of this will last.

And that brings me to my latest limerick:

Limerick Ode To The New, Improved Obama
By Madeleine Begun Kane

It fin’ly has dawned on Barack
That with lib’rals he’s lost lots of stock.
His base and foundation
Could be his salvation.
I just hope his new stance ain’t a crock.

Limerick Ode To A Failed Presidency

Monday, August 1st, 2011

Paul Krugman has it exactly right: The President Surrenders. The debt ceiling deal Obama negotiated with the Republican hostage takers is well beyond terrible. And the ransom Obama paid to the GOP is a presidential error beyond comprehension — one that will make today’s bad economy look like fun and games.

What will it do to the poor, the sick, the elderly, the middle class, and the unemployed? I’m way too depressed to discuss it.

Congratulations, Republicans! You’ve got yourself a right-wing Republican President.

Limerick Ode To A Failed Presidency
By Madeleine Begun Kane

Dear Obama, I’ve had it — you’ve failed.
It was time to be strong, but you bailed.
The Dems needed “bold.”
But instead you got rolled.
You’ve undermined all that we hailed.

Limerick Ode To Anthony Weiner

Monday, June 6th, 2011

Needless to say, I’m disappointed in Rep. Anthony Weiner (D-NY).

Limerick Ode To Anthony Weiner
By Madeleine Begun Kane

Seems a lib’ral I favor, Rep. Weiner
Has committed a dumb misdemeanor.
Then he lied in the hope
He could fool us — the dope.
Progressives, our team just got leaner.

A Pair of Limericks for a Pairless President

Thursday, December 9th, 2010

Unlike many of my fellow progressives, I never thought Obama was a liberal. But now I’m beginning to wonder if he’s even a Democrat. In any event, he certainly isn’t a leader.

Needless to say, I’m furious about the Bush tax cut extension deal Obama made with Republicans, and I’m glad that Speaker Pelosi is taking a strong stand against it.

Here’s a pair of limericks about Obama’s abject surrender to the GOP:

A Pair Of Limericks For A Pairless President
By Madeleine Begun Kane

Dear Obama, you’re being a heel
By making this terrible deal.
You’re acting the fool
With this “compromise” gruel
Which will damage our land’s commonweal.

Obama’s demeanor is frayed
He seems ornery, angry, dismayed.
Will he finally fight
The Republican right?
No, he’s mad at the Dems he betrayed.