Posts Tagged ‘Bernie Or Bust’

Open Limerick To Jill Stein Voters

Saturday, December 3rd, 2016

Lately I’ve been seeing posts by “Bernie or Buster” Jill Stein supporters whining about the horror that is Donald Trump.

Seems to me they should have thought of that just a wee bit sooner.

Dear “Bernie or Busters” don’t whine
About Trump and the fact he’s a swine.
Your bitching should halt,
Cuz Trump’s win is YOUR FAULT!
Hope your “conscience” is happy with Stein.

Explaining Bernie (Limerick)

Friday, June 17th, 2016

Explain Bernie? I’ll give it a whirl:
He apparently thinks he’s a pearl,
And that Hill and her lot
Are beneath him — worth squat —
Plus he CAN’T bear to lose to a girl.

A Serious Question (Limerick)

Wednesday, June 15th, 2016

It seems possible that Bernie won’t endorse Hillary. Or that he’ll delay his endorsement for so long, that it loses much of its effectiveness. And that makes me wonder how valuable a timely Sanders endorsement really is. And how damaging his non-endorsement might be.

From what I can gather, Bernie supporters fall into three broad categories:

1: Those who’ve said all along that they will vote for whoever gets the Democratic nomination.

2: Those who’ve come to realize that (however they may feel about Hillary) Trump is a dangerous threat to our nation and must be stopped.

3: Bernie Or Busters who are so anti-Hillary, that they turned against Elizabeth Warren, the second she endorsed her.

So, would a reasonably prompt Bernie endorsement have any value beyond the symbolic? That very question inspired this limerick:

An endorsement from Bernie’d be great,
Though I’d ask if it truly has weight;
Donald must be shellacked!
You don’t see this? You’re whacked!
And your Bern love could soon turn to hate.

Yet Another Open Limerick To Hillary-Haters

Tuesday, May 17th, 2016

You’re a Bernie supporter? That’s fine.
You’re a “Bernie or Buster?” Go whine
And spread lies on some page
That’s more friendly. Vent rage
Against Hill somewhere else. Not on mine!

Open Limerick To “Bernie Or Busters”

Friday, April 29th, 2016

I can’t help wondering whether Bernie’s bound to lose his halo:

There are Dems who think Hill fans are dumb.
Seems she’s “evil” and “venal,” to some.
Here’s my question: When Bern
Does back Hill, will they spurn
“Sainted Bern” and demote him to scum?

Open Limerick To Hillary-Haters

Tuesday, April 26th, 2016

The Bernie or Bust meme’s akin
To ensuring a GOP win.
So who is the shill
For vows to spurn Hill?
Karl Rove… or duped Dems drunk on spin?


I’m for Hill, you’ve sussed.
Vote for Bernie, if you must.
Nix “Bernie or Bust.”