Posts Tagged ‘Legal Limerick’

GOPers Court Trump At Court (Limerick)

Thursday, May 16th, 2024

Washington Post Headline: “Republicans flock to court to ‘kiss the ring’ during Trump criminal trial”

GOPers are flocking to court
To kiss Donald’s rump and help thwart
New York’s efforts to try
Donald Trump. (He’s their guy!)
And to truth, law, and justice distort.

The Trials Of Trump (3-Verse Limerick)

Monday, April 22nd, 2024

It’s a challenge for Trump to comply
With societal rules. He’s a guy
Who has always felt free
To ignore them with glee;
To break laws and to flagrantly lie.

Trump’s accustomed to getting his way.
But in Criminal Court, he lacks sway.
It’s the Judge who has power,
So Don’s looking dour,
Forced to hold all his anger at bay.

Be quiet in court and sit down!
Trump’s compelled to comply (with a frown.)
For he fin’lly must face
His first criminal case:
It’s Judge Merchan who now wears the crown!

A Legal Adieu To Special Master Review (Limerick)

Thursday, December 1st, 2022

Trump has lost his appeal in a rout;
Cannon’s pro-Donald rulings are out.
Special Master review
Has been halted. So cue
Sev’ral rants from that “former guy” lout.

Trump, The Extortionist (Limerick)

Tuesday, August 30th, 2022

Headline: “Trump Is Trying To Extort America”

Donald Trump is so desp’rate to thwart
Prosecution, he’s apt to resort
To additional crimes,
Like extortion ofttimes;
Indict Trump! Get that felon to court!

Garland v. Trump

Thursday, August 11th, 2022

Dear Donald, it seems that your bluff
Has been called, and in you’re in quite the huff.
Garland’s move to unseal
That warrant? Big deal!
Seems you’ve shot yourself right in the duff.

Trump’s Trumped-Up Victimhood (Limerick)

Thursday, August 11th, 2022

Donald’s so-called “unjustified raid”
Was approved by a judge. Don’t be played!
T’s were crossed. I’s were dotted.
His crimes have been spotted.
Our nation by Trump’s been betrayed.

Trump On The Defense? (Limerick)

Sunday, January 31st, 2021

From CNN: “Former President Donald Trump’s five impeachment defense attorneys have left a little more than a week before his trial is set to begin…”

“Mass election fraud — that’s my defense,”
Insisted the Donald, intense.
So his lawyers all quit:
“We’re not selling that shit!”
Donald’s lie ain’t just “big.” It’s immense!

Limerick Ode To Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg

Friday, March 8th, 2019

Justice Ginsburg’s birthday is coming up on March 15th, and I couldn’t resist writing her a limerick. In fact, I even snail-mailed her a copy. Remember snail-mail?

Here it is:

Happy birthday dear Ruth. You’re the best!
You have met ev’ry challenge and test
With zest, brains, and class,
Plus just enough brass…
While the President feathers his nest.