Posts Tagged ‘Michael Cohen’

The Trials Of Trump (3-Verse Limerick)

Monday, April 22nd, 2024

It’s a challenge for Trump to comply
With societal rules. He’s a guy
Who has always felt free
To ignore them with glee;
To break laws and to flagrantly lie.

Trump’s accustomed to getting his way.
But in Criminal Court, he lacks sway.
It’s the Judge who has power,
So Don’s looking dour,
Forced to hold all his anger at bay.

Be quiet in court and sit down!
Trump’s compelled to comply (with a frown.)
For he fin’lly must face
His first criminal case:
It’s Judge Merchan who now wears the crown!

Sentencing Memo Mania

Thursday, December 6th, 2018

“Tomorrow is going to be a big day. Both Manafort and Cohen’s sentencing memorandums will be released by the Mueller team.”

More sentencing memos tomorrow!
I’m glad, but will suffer great sorrow,
If they’re filled with redactions;
Need facts, not subtractions!
Else I’ll cry and need tissues to borrow.

Hatch Still Hitched To Trump (Limerick)

Friday, August 24th, 2018

Hatch after Cohen plea deal: ‘I think Trump is a much better person today than he was then.’

Orrin Hatch seems a dignified chap,
But he’s really a Party-first sap.
His virtue is feigned,
His deceit unrestrained.
A Trump lapdog, the man’s full of crap.

The “What’s The Big Deal?” Defense (Limerick)

Wednesday, August 22nd, 2018

Trump’s personal lawyer’s confessed
To committing at Donald’s behest
And direction some crimes,
While his party-mate slimes
Are pretending to be unimpressed.

Trump’s Really Really Extra Bad Day (Limerick)

Tuesday, August 21st, 2018

“Guilty” Manafort ain’t going free,
And Cohen has taken a plea.
So brace for more tweets
Packed with self-serving bleats;
Whiny Trump can’t let anything be.

Trump Can’t Escape Tapes (Limerick)

Monday, August 13th, 2018

Trump made FALSE claims of taping, with drama,
Feigning grievance from fake spy-claim trauma.
But he’s now in bad shape
Cuz his CRONIES have tape.
Seems the only NON-taper’s Obama.

Rudy Fired, But NOT By Trump (Limerick)

Thursday, May 10th, 2018

Headline: “Giuliani Forced to Resign from His Law Firm”

Rudy’s law firm pays hush money too?
So said Rudy, a statement he’ll rue,
Cuz his law firm has dumped him;
They’re angry he lumped ’em
With Coh’n in a Trump-defense spew.

Limerick Ode To Michael Cohen

Thursday, May 3rd, 2018

Updated Version After Michel Cohen Is Sentenced (December 2018)

Cohen once was a Donald Trump bagman,
A whitewash-each-Donald-Trump-shag-man,
Who’d shield him from blame
And protect his “good name.”
That assignment’s encountered a snag, man.

Michael Cohen is mainly a bagman,
A whitewash-each-Donald-Trump-shag-man,
To shield Donald from blame
And protect his “good name.”
That assignment’s encountered a snag, man.

Trump’s Biggest Fear? (Limerick)

Thursday, April 19th, 2018

Headline: “Trump allies worry Cohen will flip.”

Trump cronies are starting to fear
A Mike Cohen betrayal is near;
That when faced with the threat
Of prison, he’ll sweat
And blab secrets that Donald holds dear.

Is Donald Doomed? (Limerick)

Tuesday, March 20th, 2018

This headline (and the column it quotes from) inspired my limerick: “How Stormy Daniels Could Doom Trump’s Presidency.”

Trump’s porn star could doom him. The key is
Donald’s sluttier and sleazier than SHE is!
He exults in his badness.
So SLUT-scorn her? Madness!
It won’t work; she’s as shameless as HE is.

Stormy Litigation (Limerick)

Wednesday, March 7th, 2018

It seems Stormy and Trump made a deal;
Pre-election, for cash she’d conceal
Their affair and much more.
Her lawyer, top drawer,
Claims it’s void. I await the reveal.