Archive for the ‘Facebook Humor’ Category
Thursday, August 15th, 2024
I’m amazingly popular with “male” bot “surgeons.” (Also “generals.”) Hence this limerick:
My dear friend-request sender, I vet
All such queries. The answer is NYET!
Why my thundering NO?
Cuz I’d bet lots of dough
That your Doc-Surgeon bio’s all wet!
Tags: Battle of the Sexes, Facebook Humor, Facebook Limerick, Friendship, Social Media, Social Media Limerick, Social Media Poetry
Posted in Battle of the Sexes, Facebook Humor, Friendship Humor, Limericks, Social Media Humor | No Comments »
Friday, January 13th, 2023
A skeptical troll who delights
In arguing, often starts fights
On both Facebook and Twitter.
Ignore all his litter.
He gets bitter when nobody bites.
International Skeptics Day is celebrated each year on the first Friday The 13th of the Year.
Tags: Facebook, Friday The 13th, International Skeptics Day, Internet Trolls, Odd Holidays, Skeptics Day, Skeptics Humor, Social Media, Troll Humor, Trolls, Twitter Humor
Posted in Behavior & Personality, Facebook Humor, Limericks, Odd Holidays, Social Media Humor, Twitter Humor | Comments Off on The Skeptical Troll (Limerick)
Friday, August 5th, 2022
A couple of years ago, I started posting my limericks on Facebook in image form. To ensure that, if they were shared, my authorship was clear, I’d include a copyright notice and my site’s URL in NON-CLICKABLE form. And, until a couple of weeks ago, this has worked out fine.
What happened a couple of weeks ago? A Wordle-related group, where I’d post the very occasional Wordle-related limerick (which its members seemed to enjoy) suspended me. Apparently, having a NON-clickable URL in an image makes me a spammer. Hence this limerick:
I’m pissed off at a group! Its contention
Is I warrant a spam-rule suspension.
My offense? Each verse pic
Has a link you can’t click,
Whose purpose is lim-theft prevention.
Tags: Facebook Humor, Facebook Limerick, Social Media Humor, Social Media Limerick, Spam Humor, Spam Limerick
Posted in Facebook Humor, Limericks, Social Media Humor, Spam Humor | Comments Off on Wrongfully Accused! (Limerick)
Monday, March 7th, 2022
While on Facebook, folks often complain
About comments that drive them insane.
If you’re truly annoyed,
They’re a breeze to avoid:
“Unfollowing” blocks all that pain.
Tags: Advice Humor, Advice Limerick, Computer Limerick, Facebook, Facebook Humor, Facebook Limerick, Social Media Humor, Social Media Limerick, Technology Humor, Technology Limerick
Posted in Advice Humor & Poems, Computer Humor, Facebook Humor, Limericks, Social Media Humor, Technology Humor | 1 Comment »
Friday, September 10th, 2021
NOTE: While the last line of this limerick is true, it’s NOT a plea for sympathy. My real purpose in writing it was to play with the idiom “fall flat.”
My wisecrack failed right off the bat.
Not one “like!” Not one “LOL!” That was that!
’Twas a musical jest,
But I guess, not my best.
I feel low when my humor falls flat.
Tags: Facebook Humor, Facebook Limerick, Idiom Humor, Idiom Limerick, Language Humor, Language Limerick, Music Humor & Verse, Music Limerick, Social Media Humor, Social Media Limerick
Posted in Facebook Humor, Idiom Humor, Jokes & One-Liners, Language Humor, Music Humor & Verse, Music Poems, Social Media Humor, Wordplay | Comments Off on Humor Disharmony (Limerick)
Monday, November 12th, 2018
When Facebook is down, people panic
And often become rather manic.
Some report it to Twitter,
Whose regulars titter
At our Facebook addiction Satanic.
Tags: Facebook, Facebook Humor, Facebook Limerick, Facebook Outage, Facebook Outage Humor, FacebookDown, Social Media, Social Media Humor, Social Media Limerick
Posted in Facebook Humor, Social Media Humor | Comments Off on Facebook Outage Panic (Limerick)
Wednesday, January 27th, 2016
Dear Facebook, your “like” button’s fine.
Add a “dislike” to “like?” I won’t whine.
But your plan for Reactions—
Six button distractions–
Makes me certain the “sad” one will shine.
Tags: Facebook Humor, Facebook Improvements, Facebook Limerick, Facebook Reactions, Like Button, Reactions, Social Media, Social Media Poetry
Posted in Facebook Humor, Limericks, Social Media Humor | Comments Off on My Reaction to Facebook’s Upcoming “Reaction” Buttons (Limerick)
Monday, September 28th, 2015
During Facebook’s outage today, I was reduced to posting this limerick on Twitter:
#Facebookdown so I’ve come here 2 Tweet
& nobody takes a backseat
2 my posting addiction,
A dreadful affliction.
My FB surrender’s complete.
(“2” instead of “to,” “FB” instead of “Facebook,” and “&” instead of “and” all done in order to comply with Twitter’s 140-character limit.)
Tags: Facebook Humor, Facebook Limerick, Social Media, Social Media Poetry, Twitter Humor, Twitter Verse
Posted in Addiction Humor, Facebook Humor, Limericks, Social Media Humor, Twitter Humor | Comments Off on What I Do When Facebook Is Down (Limerick)
Monday, November 17th, 2014
Limerick Ode To National Unfriend Day
By Madeleine Begun Kane
Do Internet pests take their toll
And play an insidious role
In your Facebooking life?
You can deal with such strife:
Just unfriend all those trolls. Take control!
Tags: Facebook Friendship, Facebook Humor, Facebook Trolls, Internet Trolls, National Unfriend Day, November Holidays, Odd Holidays, Social Media Poetry, Troll Humor
Posted in Behavior & Personality, Communication Humor, Facebook Humor, Friendship Humor, Limericks, Odd Holidays, Relationship Humor, Social Media Humor | 1 Comment »
Friday, December 27th, 2013
I wrote this limerick in response to Mark’s post about being urged by Facebook to “like” Kim Kardashian’s page.
Open Limerick To Hubby Mark
By Madeleine Begun Kane
Dear Mark, I don’t mean to sound prim,
But I’d rather you NOT be-friend Kim.
If you do, your IQ
(already askew)
Will drop points till your brain power’s dim.
Tags: Celebrity Verse, Facebook Limerick, Intelligence Humor, IQ Humor, Kim Kardashian, Social Media Poetry, Stupidity, TV Humor
Posted in Celebrity Humor, Facebook Humor, Social Media Humor, Stupidity Humor, Television (TV) Humor | 2 Comments »
Friday, July 19th, 2013
This limerick was inspired by Facebook friend Douglas Frank, who proposed a new texting acronym:
SMODJ, pronounced similar to “smudge.”
It stands for: Social Media Outrage Du Jour.
Smite SMODJ! (Limerick)
By Madeleine Begun Kane
Social Media Outrage Du Jour
(SMODJ, for short) can be tough to endure.
Angry pro and con litter
In Facebook and Twitter
Stream ceaselessly. Stop, please! No more!
Tags: Facebook Humor, Facebook Limerick, Outrage Limerick, Social Media Poetry, Twitter Humor, Twitter Verse
Posted in Facebook Humor, Limericks, Social Media Humor, Social Satire, Twitter Humor | 2 Comments »
Friday, June 14th, 2013
Facebook Faces The #Hashtag Music (Limerick)
By Madeleine Begun Kane
Facebook honchos have fin’ly said “yes”
To #hashtags, but under duress:
All the cool kids at Twitter
Treat hashtags like glitter,
A trend Facebook dares not transgress.
#Facebookhashtag #Facebookhashtags #hashtagsfacebook #hashtagfacebook
Tags: Facebook Hashtags, Facebook Humor, Facebook Limerick, Hashtag Humor, Social Media Poetry, Twitter Verse
Posted in Facebook Humor, Limericks, Odd Trends, Search Engine Tools, Social Media Humor, Twitter Humor | 1 Comment »
Monday, May 13th, 2013
Facebook has changed its Timelines again — loading up our left columns with all sorts of images. But my 3-verse limerick provides the solution:
Timeline Fix
By Madeleine Begun Kane
Facebook timelines have sunk to a crawl.
They’re so slow, that I just want to bawl.
But I’ve figured the reason
They seems to be freezin’:
With pics, FB’s littered the wall.
I’m referring to pics on the left—
A long column of imagery heft.
Books and “like” pics galore,
Movies, TV, and more.
But it’s fixable. Don’t feel bereft!
There’s an option that Facebook calls “hide”
For most image groups — on their right side.
Strip that left column bare:
With few images there,
It won’t feel like your Timeline has died.
Tags: Facebook Limerick, Social Media Poetry
Posted in Facebook Humor, Limericks, Social Media Humor | 8 Comments »
Wednesday, January 23rd, 2013
Every time I sign on to Facebook, I’m confronted by stupid questions from Facebook, meant to prompt me to post. Alas, they’re more likely to prompt me to scream.
Dear Facebook: Enough With The Questions! (Limerick)
By Madeleine Begun Kane
Dear Facebook, don’t ask how I’m doing,
Or feeling or even what’s brewing.
“How’s it going?” will rile me.
Don’t try to beguile me
With gimmicks, or brace for some booing.
Tags: Facebook Humor, Facebook Limerick, Social Media Poetry, Social Networking Humor
Posted in Facebook Humor, Limericks, Media Humor, Social Media Humor | 4 Comments »
Tuesday, January 17th, 2012
If Facebook’s trying to annoy its users, it’s doing a really good job of it.
Lots of people (including me) have been wondering why their Facebook posts have been getting fewer comments and “likes.” Turns out that most people aren’t seeing the latest posts. Why? Because the “powers that be” at Facebook are morons!
To be more specific, Facebook’s News Feed default setting is now delivering old posts, referred to in polite company as “Highlighted Posts.” Want to see fresh posts, like a normal, sane person? Then you have to click on “Sort” and then select “Recent Stories First.”
To make matters worse, selecting “Recent Stories First” must be done routinely. Why? Because Facebook doesn’t allow you to permanently change its “Ancient Stories That You’re Really Sick Of & Never Want To See Again” default.
My Facebook rant wouldn’t be complete without a limerick, would it?
Yet Another Facebook Rant
By Madeleine Begun Kane
Dear Facebook, I wish you would halt
Your News Feed’s annoying default:
It’s simply not sporting
To make us do sorting
To see posts that are fresh. Oy gevalt!
Tags: Facebook Humor, Facebook Limerick, Social Media Poetry
Posted in Facebook Humor, Limericks, Media Humor, Social Media Humor | 10 Comments »
Thursday, January 12th, 2012
My Facebook friend, comedy writer/director/producer Chris Bearde, recently said:
Satire, taken broadly as a form of comedy protest, will bring you FB friends and lose you some too… so the playing field is always level.
Chris’s comments inspired me to write this limerick:
Political Un-Friendship (Limerick)
By Madeleine Begun Kane
Facebook friends can at times take offense
At jokes at their party’s expense.
If they click on “unfriend”
In order to end
Such humor exposure, they’re dense.
UPDATE: I’ve just found out that November 17th is National Unfriend Day. Apparently, the holiday was invented three years ago by Jimmy Kimmel. So, who should be “unfriended?” According to Kimmel, the “proud parent,” “the Instagrammer,” and the “overly-political poster” should all be history. Methinks I fall afoul of the third category.
Tags: Chris Bearde, Comedy Protest, Facebook Friendship, Facebook Humor, National Unfriend Day, November Holidays, Political Sensitivity, Satire, Sense Of Humor, Social Media Poetry
Posted in Behavior & Personality, Communication Humor, Facebook Humor, Friendship Humor, Limericks, Political Satire, Public Figures, Relationship Humor, Social Media Humor, Social Satire | 9 Comments »
Wednesday, December 21st, 2011
This is for everyone with holidayitis who’s playing online and posting on Facebook, while pretending to do real work at the office:
Limerick Ode To Holidayitis
By Madeleine Begun Kane
We’re busy pretending to work:
Reading Facebook’s the best way to shirk
All the tasks we’re assigned,
Cuz it’s more fun to find
Funny posts than to slave for a jerk.
Tags: Computer Verse, December Holidays, Facebook Humor, Holiday Humor, Holiday-itis, Internet Humor, Slacker Humor, Social Media Poetry, Technology Humor, Workplace & Career Humor
Posted in Behavior & Personality, Computer Humor, Facebook Humor, Holiday Humor, Internet Humor, Limericks, Money & Finance Humor, Procrastination Humor, Social Media Humor, Technology Humor, Workplace & Career Humor | 5 Comments »
Saturday, December 17th, 2011
Each time I finally adjust to a Facebook “improvement,” Facebook mocks me by changing once again.
Have you seen Facebook’s latest profile redesign — the Facebook Timeline? It’s being rolled out this week, and it’s a doozy!
Timing Out On Facebook’s Timeline (Limerick)
By Madeleine Begun Kane
Dear Facebook, stop changing, we pleaded.
Don’t “improve” things with stuff that ain’t needed.
Your Timeline’s annoying
And brainwave-destroying.
Once again, member input’s unheeded.
Tags: Computer Humor, Facebook Limerick, Facebook Profile, Facebook Timelime Humor, Social Media Poetry, Technology Humor
Posted in Computer Humor, Facebook Humor, Internet Humor, Limericks, Social Media Humor, Technology Humor | Comments Off on Timing Out On Facebook’s Timeline (Limerick)