Yet Another Facebook Rant

If Facebook’s trying to annoy its users, it’s doing a really good job of it.

Lots of people (including me) have been wondering why their Facebook posts have been getting fewer comments and “likes.” Turns out that most people aren’t seeing the latest posts. Why? Because the “powers that be” at Facebook are morons!

To be more specific, Facebook’s News Feed default setting is now delivering old posts, referred to in polite company as “Highlighted Posts.” Want to see fresh posts, like a normal, sane person? Then you have to click on “Sort” and then select “Recent Stories First.”

To make matters worse, selecting “Recent Stories First” must be done routinely. Why? Because Facebook doesn’t allow you to permanently change its “Ancient Stories That You’re Really Sick Of & Never Want To See Again” default.

My Facebook rant wouldn’t be complete without a limerick, would it?

Yet Another Facebook Rant
By Madeleine Begun Kane

Dear Facebook, I wish you would halt
Your News Feed’s annoying default:
It’s simply not sporting
To make us do sorting
To see posts that are fresh. Oy gevalt!

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10 Responses to “Yet Another Facebook Rant”

  1. Mama Zen says:

    Tell him, Madeleine!

  2. Broot says:

    What I did was make a new list called “News Feed” and add all my friends to it. I made sure each subscription for my friends was set to “All Updates” and then I turned off comments and likes. So now I pretty much ignore the main FB news feed and instead read my own. It’s still not perfect (somehow some posts still get lost) but I’m seeing more of the recent ones than I was! :)

  3. sideview says:

    There was a young man called Mark
    Whose changes make Mads bark
    Now its old news
    That gives her the blues
    Old feeds leave us in the dark

  4. I am so mad about having to keep deleting people’s game scores and such from my news feed. I unsubscribe from the games, they come back. I unsubscribe from the person, then it says you won’t see their updates in your feed and yet, there they are! I have a niece and she’s posting things every few minutes, I unsubscribed and yet have about 20 or more of her posts all in my news feed. What they’ve done with these new changes is dreadful. Thanks for visiting me :)

  5. oh i agree..i’m really p.. with the new fb style and i wonder how long they can hold the people if they don’t change it

  6. Hansi says:

    I don’t do Facebook….What’s all the fuss about?

  7. brian says:

    ugh…i am 13 months facebook free…and living life…haha….

  8. RJ Clarken says:

    Oy gevalt indeed! And yes – I really wish Facebook would just leave us alone!

  9. madkane says:

    Thanks Sideview for your fun limerick! And thanks everyone for your kind words and for sharing your Facebook gripes!

  10. Marie Elena says:

    OH-SO-TRUE!! And love the humor. :)