Posts Tagged ‘GOP Hypocrisy’

Hypocrisy, Thy Name Is Trump (Limerick)

Wednesday, April 19th, 2017

Donald’s slogans are fashioned for chumps:
“Buy and Hire American?” Grumps,
Rightly irked by his game,
Notice somehow the same
Rules are spurned by the firms built by Trumps.

Disclosure’s Just For Democrats? (Limerick)

Tuesday, April 18th, 2017

Donald’s taxes? Don’t bother to press.
Who arrives at the White House? Just guess.
The transparency-hawk
Who knocked Dems will just balk,
While he blithely discloses much less.

Transparency’s Only For Democrats? (Limerick)

Friday, April 14th, 2017

Donald’s trashed yet another tradition,
While expanding disclosure attrition.
He is hiding from view
White House logs of his queue
Of visitors. Stealth is his mission.

Open Limerick To FBI Director James Comey

Tuesday, November 1st, 2016

There’s a stark double standard from Comey.
(If you don’t think I’m MAD, you don’t know me.)
He proclaims each Hill crumb,
Yet on Trump he stays mum.
So my message to Comey is “Blow me!”

Exchangeable Views (Limerick)

Thursday, October 24th, 2013

Exchangeable Views (Limerick)
By Madeleine Begun Kane

The Republican stance is still no:
“Obamacare’s bad and must go.”
So explain why they bitch
That something they’d ditch
Does things they don’t want way too slow.

GOP Piety Song Parody (Sing to Billy Joel’s Honesty)

Thursday, June 7th, 2007

Thanks so much to Dick Polman, whose politics of selective piety post  inspired this song parody. You can sing it to Billy Joel’s Honesty.

GOP Piety Song Parody (Sing to Billy Joel’s Honesty)
By Madeleine Begun Kane

If you search for hypocrites, 
They aren’t hard to find.
The Republicans just give and give.
They brag about their piousness,
But to justice they are blind.
Consistency just ain’t the way they live.

Piety is such a misused word.
GOPers preach on cue.
Piety — their fakery’s absurd.
See through them and turn red to blue.

They can always find reasons
To use a “faith” disguise,
As they wear religion on their sleeve.
But I don’t want some petty man
To tell us pious lies.
All I want is someone to believe.

Piety is such a misused word.
GOPers pray on cue.
Piety — their zealotry’s absurd.
See through them and turn red to blue.

We must find a leader
Who this war will end,
Who will boost security,
The Bill of Rights defend.
Pieties don’t comfort me,
Nor GOP refrains.
Say no.
Say no.

They won’t keep our country free.
They’re too unconcerned.
They don’t care that human rights are gone.
I despise fake piety,
So to the Dems I must turn,
Cause they’re the ones that we depend on.

Piety is such a misused word.
GOPers preach on cue.
Piety — their fakery’s absurd.
See through them and turn red to blue.