Tags: Bad Poetry Day, Funny Poetry, Odd Holidays, Quatrain Humor
Posted in Odd Holidays, Quatrains Humor | Comments Off on Happy “Bad Poetry Day!”
I’m amazingly popular with “male” bot “surgeons.” (Also “generals.”) Hence this limerick:
My dear friend-request sender, I vet
All such queries. The answer is NYET!
Why my thundering NO?
Cuz I’d bet lots of dough
That your Doc-Surgeon bio’s all wet!
Tags: Battle of the Sexes, Facebook Humor, Facebook Limerick, Friendship, Social Media, Social Media Limerick, Social Media Poetry
Posted in Battle of the Sexes, Facebook Humor, Friendship Humor, Limericks, Social Media Humor | Comments Off on Dear Facebook Friend-Requester (Limerick)
Mad Kane (Madeleine Begun Kane) is a writer, musician, and "recovering lawyer." She won the Robert Benchley Society Award For Humor and enjoys writing limericks, song parodies, and current events haiku.
You can email her at madkane@madkane.com, visit her political humor blog, or stop by her home page.
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