Posts Tagged ‘Bad Poetry Day’

Limerick Ode To Bad Poetry Day (August 18)

Tuesday, August 18th, 2015

Limerick Ode To “Bad Poetry Day” (3-Verse)
By Madeleine Begun Kane

“Bad Poetry Day” is today,
But I’d rather keep bad verse at bay.
Writing poorly on purpose
Would seem to usurp us
And lead to poetic decay.

I contend that it’s hard to deny
We write badly enough when we try
To create something clever
Or sweet, or endeavor
To craft something witty or wry.

This very 3-verser of mine
Provides proof of my point. Ev’ry line
Should be thrown in the can.
But I just got a plan:
I shall claim that it’s bad by design.

Limerick Ode To Bad Poetry Day

Monday, August 18th, 2014

Today, August 18, is Bad Poetry Day. So I figured I’d write a bad limerick on purpose. How? By picking an A-rhyme with a relatively small word selection:

Limerick Ode To Bad Poetry Day
By Madeleine Begun Kane

It’s Bad Poetry Day, and I wonder
Why bother to pillage and plunder
The language of verse.
I the blunderbuss curse
Who’d, on purpose, tear poems asunder.

Limerick Ode To Bad Poetry Day

Friday, August 17th, 2012

A big holiday’s coming up tomorrow, August 18th: Bad Poetry Day.

Limerick Ode To Bad Poetry Day
By Madeleine Begun Kane

Bad Poetry Day is tomorrow.
I shall greet it with fear and some sorrow.
Will my e-box be strewn
With verse that’s rough-hewn?
Do you have a good rhyme I can borrow?