Limerick Affairs

I hope you’ll join me in writing a limerick with this first line:

A fellow who had an affair…

Here’s mine:

Limerick Affairs
By Madeleine Begun Kane

A fellow who had an affair
Got caught by his lovely wife, Claire.
She considered divorce —
Took a far diff’rent course.
Now her spouse does not live anywhere.

Please feel free to write your own limerick using the same first line and post it in my comments. And if you’re on Facebook, I hope you’ll join my friends in that same activity in my Limerick-Offs.

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23 Responses to “Limerick Affairs”

  1. A fellow who had an Affair
    To Remember Cary Grant would share
    And then Deborah Kerr
    Created a stir
    When she got hit by a car in Times Square.

  2. Joyce T. says:

    EEK! That was surprising, but very good, Mad.

  3. Robin Stojanov says:

    A fellow who had an affair
    With a lovely Norwegian au pair
    Had a strange deja vu
    Then declared “Husker du?”
    For the whole thing was quite laissez faire.

  4. A fellow who had an affair,
    Thought he was quite debonair,
    Yet when he checked out,
    He left little doubt,
    That he should have stayed in his lair.

  5. K Bhattacharya says:

    A fellow who had an affair…
    With a bunny in a smoky briar
    When he made the pass
    She was high on grass
    And he on brown sugar, a real high flier

  6. Steve Bumgarner says:

    A young man who had an affair,
    Broke his vows with hardly a care.
    The girl thought he was single,
    That’s why she did mingle.
    Wife found out, now both need repair.

  7. Veralynne Pepper says:

    A fellow who had an affair
    Knew that he shouldn’t have dared
    His wife is a sleuth and
    Having given her youth can
    Extract her revenge without care…

  8. Veralynne Pepper says:

    A fellow who had an affair
    Thought his wife was totally unaware
    But, imagine his surprise
    When he noticed her eyes
    Following him up his lover’s back stair!

  9. Veralynne Pepper says:

    A fellow who had an affair
    Snuck back in the house with a flair
    He tucked himself in
    Feeling guilty as sin
    But felt worse when hit by a chair…

  10. Lurker says:

    A fellow who had an affair
    Lost his car, his house and his hair
    The girlfriend is gone
    Said he’s ‘not the one’
    Now lonely, his children don’t care

  11. Dr. Goose says:

    A fellow who had an affair
    Thought his wife had remained unaware,
    ‘Til his picture was clicked
    In flagrante delict’
    By that hard-boiled gumshoe Pierre.

  12. madkane says:

    I’m really enjoying these. Thanks! And please keep them coming!

  13. ODE TO L.B.

    A fellow who had an affair
    Lied again to his wife without care
    He tried too late deck her…
    She’d cut off his pecker
    Lorena bobbed it to end her despair!

  14. Patrice of the ManyCats says:

    A fellow who had an affair
    Thought himself to be quite debonair
    ‘Til the day the bell rang;
    “Fresh towels, sir!” the maid sang:
    Caught thereby with his a** in the air.

  15. Patrice of the ManyCats says:

    A fellow who had an affair
    Spent his funds on fine silk underwear
    His eyes were a’glisten
    Pled, “Ann, will you not listen?
    Those are mine! I prefer you be bare…”

  16. Mark Kane says:

    A fellow who had an affair,
    Did his romping with nary a fear.
    Until that night, out driving,
    Wife spied them both grinding,
    With headlights and him now the deer.

  17. Jesse Levy says:

    A fellow who had an affair
    Blamed a long game of Truth or Dare
    His wife didn’t mind
    Cause she told him, “You’ll find
    last night on your pillow I put Nair.”

  18. A fellow who had an affair
    saw bright rainbows in sunny air
    until his mad wife
    threatened his life
    and now, he no longer goes there.

  19. madkane says:

    Oh good! More limericks. Thanks!

  20. Lynn says:

    A fellow who had an affair
    Tried to softly sneak up the stair,
    But the third one, it squeaked;
    So his secret was leaked;
    For his wife was waiting up there.

  21. Steve Vitoff says:

    A fellow who had an affair
    Went walking in Washington Square
    Felt like a louse
    Bumped into his spouse
    So they patched it all up then and there…

    A fellow who had an affair
    Felt guilty for having gone there
    So he fell to his knees
    Crying, “Please, wifey, please…
    It’s you for whom I really care!”

    A fellow who had an affair
    Hung out at the Folies Bergère
    His wife wandered in
    Accused him of sin
    Then flew home to her ma in Eau Claire

  22. Swisstoons says:

    A fellow who had an affair
    Told his wife one night on a dare
    ‘Fessed up he’d been sinning
    Yet he couldn’t stop grinning
    As she yanked out all of his hair