Posts Tagged ‘FumblingTrump’

Trump’s “Fine-Tuned Machine” Limerick

Thursday, February 16th, 2017

A “fine-tuned machine” — that’s how Trump
Says his White House is running. That shlump
Lies as much as he breathes,
As with venom he’s seethes,
While rebranding the White House: “Trump’s Sump.”

Trump On Exhibit (Limerick)

Saturday, February 11th, 2017

Trump exhibits his madness with ease,
Via speeches and tweet-tantrum sprees.
Donald’s saneness is wee
And he’s vain as can be.
It’s as plain as his gold Trump marquees.

Limerick Ode To Donald “Peter Principle” Trump (4 Verses)

Friday, February 10th, 2017

My 4-verse limerick was inspired by this Politico article, headlined:

Trump vexed by challenges, scale of government
The new president’s allies say he has been surprised that government can’t be run like his business.

About running the gov, Trump knows nought.
It’s much harder than #FumblingTrump thought,
Though supporters were told
That this CEO, bold,
Was equipped for the job that he sought.

It seems Trump and his voters believe
That all that it takes to achieve
What he wants is to say:
“Make it so! Find a way!”
And it’s done, at a magic wand’s heave.

But instead, Trump encounters delay;
Many lawmakers stand in his way,
Also bureaucrat drudges
And treacherous judges.
So he vows that he’ll soon make them pay.

Donald stews and he bitches and rails
And keeps posting his tweet-storming wails.
Yes, our nation’s now run
By a son of a gun —
A madman who only knows sales.

The White House Drip (Limerick)

Wednesday, February 8th, 2017

Donald’s reign is a journalist’s dream;
It’s so sievelike — it leaks in a stream.
But the White House so leaky
Fills Trump with such pique, he
Keeps bleating his stale, “fake news” theme.

Trump, The Scapegoater (Limerick)

Tuesday, February 7th, 2017

In the Trumpian mindset, when stuff
Goes terribly wrong, then he’ll huff
And he’ll puff, placing fault
On others (facts “alt.”)
Ducking blame is Trump’s concept of “tough.”