Posts Tagged ‘Secretary of State’

Mike “Trump Enabler” Pompeo, Secy of State? (Limerick)

Tuesday, March 13th, 2018

Mike Pompeo for State? He’s a Yes-Man!
To help Donald, he’ll lie and aggress, man.
He’s a hawkish fanatic.
Loves torture! Dogmatic!
As for climate change? Feel my distress, man!

Trump’s Latest Ex Is Rex (Limerick)

Tuesday, March 13th, 2018

Rex has rarely done anything right,
And his errors I’d often indict.
But re Russia he’s wise,
So to no one’s surprise
Trump’s response is: Get out of my sight!

Donald and Rex (Parody Dialogue)

Wednesday, October 4th, 2017

Parody Dialogue (I’m almost positive it never took place.)

TRUMP: You’re to hold an immediate press conference and announce that you NEVER called me a “moron.”

TILLERSON: “Never’s” a strong word.

TRUMP: And that of all 50 U.S. presidents, I’m the smartest.

TILLERSON: We’ve been through this before, sir: 50 states. 45 presidents. That’s why we call you “45.”

TRUMP: I know that!

TILLERSON: Anything else sir? Perhaps I should say you have a 180 IQ.

TRUMP: Good idea, but make it 200.

TILLERSON: I was being sarc…

TRUMP: In fact, make it an even 225.

TRUMP: (Turning to General Kelly) You see? Now THAT’S how you negotiate!

What Would The Press Do Without Clinton Rumors?

Thursday, November 20th, 2008

Hillary wants to be Obama’s Secretary of State. Hillary doesn’t know if she wants to be Secretary of State. Bill’s standing in her way. Bill’s fully cooperating. Obama’s made an offer. Obama hasn’t made an offer. The blogs think it’s a terrible idea. The blogs think it’s a great idea.

Just one question: Does anyone else think all this rumor-mongering is a wee bit silly?

What Would The Press Do Without Clinton Rumors? (Limerick)
By Madeleine Begun Kane

The press is so desp’rate for drama
In a White House that’s run by Obama,
That they eagerly tell
Bill and Hill tales pell-mell.
No Clintons? They’d run home to mama.