Posts Tagged ‘Twitter’

Happy “International Fact-Checking Day”

Tuesday, April 2nd, 2024

International Fact-Checking Day
Is today, which reminds me to say:
Always check what you read
On each media feed,
Cuz false info is rampant. Oy Vey!

Limerick Ode To Elon “I Love Free Speech” Musk

Friday, December 16th, 2022

Musk famously praises free speech.
Yet he’s guilty of breach after breach,
Like his journo suspensions
For negative mentions.
Time to practice, dear Musk, what you preach!

Haiku Duo re the Twitter Exodus

Friday, November 18th, 2022

Elon won’t miss me;
he doesn’t know I exist.
Yet mock Musk, I must.


Twitter refugee
with one toe still a-tweeting.
I can’t look away.

Mad About Mastodon (Limerick)

Wednesday, November 16th, 2022

Twitter appears to be on the verge of collapse. And the most suitable replacement is Mastodon, which I joined a week ago.

I’m still getting to know the neighborhood, but so far, so good. (Right now I’m still on Twitter and toggling between the two social media sites.) Here’s where to find me on Mastodon.

And now, the requisite limerick:

I am NOT quitting Twitter, just yet,
But as owners go, Musk is all wet:
He’s destroying the place!
Should we join (just in case)
A Mastodon server? You bet!

Limerick Ode To Elon Musk (2-Verse)

Monday, November 7th, 2022

Dear Elon, I’m very impressed!
As blunders go, yours are the best!
I’d assumed you were smart,
But you’ve mastered the art
Of destroying your pricey, new nest.

Primo content providers are pissed.
Key staff has been rashly dismissed.
Twitter ad-buyers flee,
While ignoring your plea.
Your mistakes are too many to list!

Fitting A Limerick On Twitter Ain’t Easy!

Sunday, April 9th, 2017

Oy! The contortions I had to go through to fit a meta-limerick about NPR’s poetry-tweet contest into a tweet!

I HATE the 140-character (including hashtag) limit! GRRR!

This limerick looked perfectly normal before I was forced to alter it to fit into a tweet: (It even had proper punctuation, spelling, and spacing.)

I’ve poetry news:Tweet ur verse
4 NPR glory;No purse
So dont curse.Just compoz
Ur poems,not proz
&remember that TwitterMeansTERSE


Few Seem To Heart Twitter’s New Hearts (Limerick)

Tuesday, November 3rd, 2015

When I signed onto Twitter today,
I found to my shock and dismay
That favs are now hearts.
Hence poisonous darts
Are turning its management gray.

Tweet Marvels (Limerick)

Friday, December 19th, 2014

Tweet Marvels (Limerick)
By Madeleine Begun Kane

I marvel @ poets who fit
A lim’rick on tweets. It takes grit
& patience & toil
2 manage 2 boil
Lim’ricks down so u read what I’ve writ.

Note: The 140 character per tweet limit on Twitter is a tough taskmaster; It was all I could do to fit the five lines in a tweet, even after changing “@” to “at,” “and” to “&,” “to” to “2,” and “you” to “u.”

And even then, there was no room for my title, byline, post URL, or this hashtagged indication of what prompt inspired me: #5prompt (marvel.)

Haiku Ode to the Greplin Engine

Saturday, March 5th, 2011

I’ve just discovered a new search engine that, believe it or not, does stuff that Google can’t do. It’s the newly launched Greplin, and you can read all about its young founder Daniel Gross here.

So what’s the big deal about Greplin? It indexes and lets you search stuff that’s stored up in the “cloud.” Things like your Facebook posts, Twitter tweets, G-mail, Google Docs, LinkedIn posts, business applications I’m unfamiliar with, etc.

Let’s take its Facebook interface, for instance. Just put a key word or phrase into its search box and up pops a list of your posts (and your friends’ posts) using that word or phrase. I’m finding it so handy, I even wrote this haiku:

Forecast Not Cloudy
By Madeleine Begun Kane

Greplin’s great engine
is searching what Google can’t,
and I’m on cloud nine.

The Price Of Facebook Friendship

Wednesday, September 30th, 2009

Are you suffering from Facebook friend envy? Do you have a few hundred spare bucks lying around? Then uSocial, an Australian marketing company, is eager to help you buy thousands of “targeted” Facebook friends and fans and Twitter followers.

Are you as creeped out about this as I am?

The Price Of Facebook Friendship (Limerick)
By Madeleine Begun Kane

Feeling lonesome? Don’t have enough friends?
You can try out this latest of trends:
Buy pals by the litter
At Facebook and Twitter.
Pay cash and your loneliness ends.

My Twitter Motto (Haiku)

Tuesday, February 24th, 2009

Aim for brilliant
In just one-forty characters.
Settle for inane.

Twitter Tweet Verse (Limerick & Haiku Prompt)

Friday, October 10th, 2008

I sure hope many of you use (or at least are familiar with) Twitter.  Because Twitter is today’s limerick and haiku topic.  First, my limerick:

Twitter Jitters
By Madeleine Begun Kane

I really don’t mean to sound bitter,
But it’s hard to fit humor on Twitter.
Posting  tweets so damn short
Is a challenging sport,
Cuz there’s no time for laughs — just a titter.

And now my Twitter haiku (senryu):

My tweets on Twitter:
Memories, links, mutterings.
Fragments of a life.

As you might have guessed, I use Twitter.  If you’d like to, you can follow my Twitter Tweets here.

But now, of course, it’s your turn. Your assignment, should you choose to accept it, is to write some verse about Twitter. When you’ve posted your poem(s), please return here and add a direct link to your themed poetry, using Mr. Linky.

Limerick and Haiku Prompts Participants

1. Elephant Small 2. Nickers and Ink 3. Winnie the poohi

UPDATE: Mr. Linky is now closed, but you can still add links to your verse about Twitter in the Comments. And if you’d like to participate in a new poetry prompt, you can always find my latest one here.