Limerick Ode To Groundhog Day

Limerick Ode To Groundhog Day
By Madeleine Begun Kane

There’s an animal hogging the news
And casting a shadow on views.
It’s the groundhog, of course:
Our annual source
Of featherbrained seasonal clues.

Happy Groundhog Day! (February 2nd.) And for more groundhog poetry, visit DVerse Poets.

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18 Responses to “Limerick Ode To Groundhog Day”

  1. Manicddaily says:

    Ha! Much enjoyed. k.

  2. Claudia says:

    very cool… a groundhog limerick…you just made my day…much enjoyed.. love your sense of humor

  3. brian miller says:

    ha…if only he were always right…have not checked to see if he saw it or not…been traveling…featherbrained for sure…smiles.

  4. Yes, a delightful limerick for Groundhog Day… Perfect! Thanks!

  5. Kelvin S.M. says:

    ..ha, a much enjoyable take… an ode & limerick done at one is like hiting two birds with one stone… and yep, hope the groundhog will signal some signs of life finally…smiles…

  6. Marousia says:

    Hahahaha – nice!

  7. Nice limerick. Never got my head around the sense of this groundhog thing but I guess it means something to someone. :-\

  8. Enjoyable Limerick. Those groundhogs.

  9. WabiSabi says:

    If I could have lunch with five poets………….you’d be on my list!! Loved ‘featherbrained!! Thanks for launching my Sunday!

  10. Judy Roney says:

    LOL This gave me a laugh, as most of your work usually does. It’s nice to take this break with the rodent meterorogist. LOL

  11. Kim Nelson says:

    Featherbrained… c’mon, Mad… not a believer? ;-)

  12. zongrik says:

    featherbrained seasonal cues –> LOL there are a lot more featherbrained, irrational, delusional things people do everyday, though!!!

    hades gate

  13. madkane says:

    Thanks so much everyone for your lovely comments!

  14. Laurie P. Navarro says:

    Assuming that the equinox marked the first day of spring in certain medieval cultures, as it does now in western countries, Groundhog Day occurred exactly 6 weeks before spring. Therefore, if the groundhog saw his shadow on Groundhog Day there would be 6 more weeks of winter. If he didn’t, there would be 42 more days of winter. In other words, the Groundhog Day tradition may have begun as a bit of folk humor.

  15. madkane says:

    Interesting, thanks!

  16. Mary says:

    What a fun limerick to celebrate a day that gives at least some HOPE mid winter.

  17. madkane says:

    Thanks Mary and Lucy!