Posts Tagged ‘Republican Cowards’

Denying The Undeniable (Limerick)

Friday, December 11th, 2020

I despise all the “Biden Deniers;”
Those sniveling cowards and liars,
Who follow, unthinking,
Trump’s lead without blinking.
It’s high time that the Trump Cult retires.

Limerick Ode To Rick “What Book?” Santorum

Monday, February 13th, 2012

Before I get to today’s Rick Santorum limerick, here’s a post from my other blog about the Mary Todd Lincoln portrait hoax.

Getting back to Santorum, Rick (not to be outdone by Ron Paul’s newsletter disclaimers) is feigning ignorance over his very own book:

Only days after having to explain a comment about women and emotions in combat, Rick Santorum seemed to struggle a bit on Sunday to explain a remark in his 2005 book “It Takes a Family” that blamed “radical feminists” for undermining families and for trying to persuade women that they could find fulfillment only in the workplace.

Asked on the ABC News program “This Week” about the book’s contentions, Mr. Santorum noted that his wife, Karen, had written that section — though only his name is on the cover and he does not list her in the acknowledgments as among those “who assisted me in the writing of this book.” …

In the interview on Sunday, Mr. Santorum pleaded unfamiliarity with the citation, saying, “I don’t know – that’s a new quote for me”…

Limerick Ode To Rick “What Book?” Santorum
By Madeleine Begun Kane

Dear Rick, when you author a book
You have placed yourself square on the hook
For the contents inside.
You’re a coward to hide
From your screed. Either that, or a schnook.