Posts Tagged ‘Kennedy’

Ode To Ted Kennedy (Tribute Limerick)

Wednesday, August 26th, 2009

Most limericks are humorous … or at least meant to be funny. But today I’ve written a serious double limerick to commemorate the life and death of the great Senator Ted Kennedy:

Ode To Ted Kennedy (Tribute Poem)
By Madeleine Begun Kane

A Kennedy fondly called Ted
Has, alas, been declared to be dead.
He was loved cross the aisle
And did so much worthwhile
Which is why floods of tears shall be shed.

Teddy worked for the poor and the weak,
The oppressed and the wronged and the meek.
He was proudly progressive,
A lib’ral-obsessive.
Pass health reform — crown Teddy’s streak.

Dogged Journalism

Sunday, April 12th, 2009

At long last, we have an answer to these burning questions: What kind of dog will Obama get daughters Malia and Sasha, and when will he get it? From a plethora of breathless press reports we learn that it’s a male Portuguese water dog puppy named Bo with a Kennedy pedigree.

Next on the press agenda? World peace. But first, a limerick:

Dogged Journalism
By Madeleine Begun Kane

There’s a new White House dog. Stop the presses!
Yes, at last there’s an end to the guesses:
What dog will Obama
Acquire? Next drama:
Just who will clean puppy Bo’s messes?

Why Caroline Kennedy?

Wednesday, December 17th, 2008

I don’t have anything against Caroline Kennedy. By all accounts she’s bright, hard-working, a good education-related fundraiser, and knowledgeable about Constitutional law. And if she ran to represent New York in the U.S. Senate, I (a New York City resident) might very well vote for her.

Nonetheless, I share Ron Kuby’s antipathy towards legacy appointments. And like Kuby, I wonder why so few liberals and progressives are speaking out against New York Governor David Paterson’s potential Caroline Kennedy appointment.

I believe that a U.S. Senate appointment should go to someone who has more demonstrably earned it and whose positions on a wide array of topics important to New Yorkers are better known. And that brings me to my latest limerick:

There once was a Kennedy daughter
Whose dad was a victim of slaughter.
She sought an appointment —
A Senate anointment,
And few but Ron Kuby, Esq. fought her.