Posts Tagged ‘Hacking Humor’

Feeling More Cyber-Secure Yet? (Limerick)

Thursday, April 20th, 2017

Remember when Trump promised to deliver a cyber-security plan by today? Well, apparently nothing’s been done.

Dear Donald, how’s Barron? The lad
(You have bragged) has computer skills rad.
So I simply must ask
How’s his over-due task:
Fixing cyber-secur’ty for dad.

Putin and Me, a Limerick by Donald Trump

Thursday, July 28th, 2016

Are you confused by the Trump/Putin relationship? The Donald has helpfully written us this limerick:

Meet Putin? I did not … or did.
No one hacked, just to help with my bid.
But what a great plan!
Hey Putin, my man,
Hack those emails that Hillary hid.