Posts Tagged ‘Alabama Weather’

Limerick Ode To The “Never Wrong” Trump

Friday, September 6th, 2019

Headline: “Analysis: Storm spat underscores Mr. Never Wrong’s mindset”

Trump admit a mistake? No not ever!
He must keep his base thinking he’s clever;
So though facts may be clear,
Donald never will veer
From his “THEY’RE wrong! I’m perfect!” endeavor.

Trump Weathers Weather-Error By Altering Weather Map (Limerick)

Thursday, September 5th, 2019

Headline: “Trump may have broken federal law by altering Hurricane Dorian’s path on a map to validate his false claim that it could hit Alabama”

Donald Trump can’t concede a mistake.
He prefers to tell lies or to fake
“Proof” that shows he’s correct;
Alt’ring docs to deflect
Any blame. What a cowardly snake!