Limerick Ode To The Defiler-In-Chief

Headline: “Undecided Voter Says Trump Acted Like ‘a Crackhead’ During Debate, Will Now Back Biden”

The presidency’s been defiled
By the Donald, a petulant child,
Whose debate-style is rude
And disruptive, vile, crude–
Like a crackhead, but even more wild.

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3 Responses to “Limerick Ode To The Defiler-In-Chief”

  1. Terry Marter says:

    Trump’s “Change Of Heart” speech was true,

    he would “Heal the Whole World” and “Renew”,

    We all flocked to the street

    to see this great feat,

    but the flying pigs all blocked the view!

  2. Terry Marter says:

    Trump’s verbally fucked up the nation
    and is banished to Hell from his station.
    His wet Dream – “Re-election“
    still gets him erection,
    while cumming-two-terms with Damnation.

  3. madkane says:

    Thanks for your limericks Terry!