Posts Tagged ‘National Lemonade Day’

A Lemon Of A Limerick

Wednesday, August 20th, 2014

A Lemon Of A Limerick
By Madeleine Begun Kane

“Turn lemons to lemonade?” Ugh!
Such advice sounds to me oh so smug.
No I won’t sugar-coat,
Cuz it sticks in my throat.
But turn lemons to lim’ricks? We’ll hug.

Happy National Lemonade Day! (For some odd reason, it’s celebrated both on August 20th and on the first Sunday of May.)

Acidic Tanka

Thursday, February 24th, 2011

Every so often I break into tanka:

Acidic Tanka
By Madeleine Begun Kane

Pithy recipe:
Turn lemons to lemonade.
Don’t mean to be tart,
Acid, ill-natured, sour—
But sugarcoating’s tasteless.

(Prompted by lemon prompt over at Poets United.)

UPDATE: August 20th is National Lemonade Day.