Posts Tagged ‘National Chocolate Day’

A Limerick For National Chocolate Day

Saturday, October 27th, 2012

Tomorrow, October 28th, is National Chocolate Day. (Okay, every day is chocolate day in my house. But still…)

A Limerick for National Chocolate Day
By Madeleine Begun Kane

Oh, no! Did I make a mistake
While baking that chocolate cake?
An ingredient doubled?
Or tripled? I’m troubled!
I should have bought something from Drake.*

* Drake’s a baking company, now a subsidary of Hostess.

UPDATE: If you need a further excuse, I’ve just learned that December 16th is Chocolate Covered Anything Day.

Chocolate Limerick

Thursday, May 26th, 2011

Poets United prompts us to write about chocolate:

Chocolate Limerick
By Madeleine Begun Kane

Dear candy shop, leave out the filling.
Those rich, creamy innards ain’t thrilling.
I like choc’late that’s pure.
Milk or dark? Both allure.
Must I choose? Okay, dark gets top billing.

Update: Happy National Chocolate Day: October 28th!