Posts Tagged ‘Advise And Consent’

GOP Hypocrisy (Limerick)

Tuesday, December 1st, 2020

Headline: “For Years, Republicans Ignored Donald Trump’s Tweets. Now They’re Using Twitter as an Excuse to Attack Biden’s Budget Chief Pick”

GOPers had little to say
About Trump’s heinous tweets. So blasé,
Were those pols, that they shrugged.
Yet by Tanden’s they’re bugged
And enraged — their bad faith on display.

Open Limerick From Mitch McConnell To Harry Reid

Friday, November 22nd, 2013

Most Democrats are pleased that Harry Reid finally pulled the trigger on a filibuster rules change. Mitch McConnell? Not so much!

Open Limerick From Mitch McConnell To Harry Reid
By Madeleine Begun Kane

Mitch to Harry: You’ll live to regret
The rule change you made. That’s a threat.
How dare you show fight!
Wreaking havoc’s our right.
Will we keep being evil? You bet!