Posts Tagged ‘Spelling Humour’

I’m Always Game To Play Word Games (Limerick)

Tuesday, December 19th, 2023

Sundry word games are making me daft.
I pretend they’re improving my craft.
But I’ll play till I drop,
Though I know I should stop.
Now I’m drowning. Don’t laugh! Where’s my raft?

(Games Day falls each year on December 20th.)

Wordle Downers (Limerick)

Wednesday, May 4th, 2022

Frustration’s a puzzling norm
When in word games like Wordle you’re warm:
You need one letter more
And you’re pissed to the core;
You’ve guessed “story” and “stork,” but it’s “storm.”

A Colo(u)rful Complaint (Limerick)

Wednesday, January 12th, 2022

After encountering a colo(u)rful complaint about my new favorite word game “Wordle,” I felt compelled to write this limerick:

Some harbo(u)r a gripe against “Wordle,”
Cuz their labo(u)rs encounter a hurdle:
Just one “u” used in rumo(u)r?
This causes ill humo(u)r…
And apparently makes their blood curdle.