Posts Tagged ‘Engagement Ring’

Undecorated (Haiku and Tanka)

Tuesday, April 5th, 2011

Blank slate office walls —
Decorate? No one tempted —
temporary work.


Nakedly ringless,
undecorated fingers
robbed of wedding bling.
Married still, but ringed no more.
Replaceable … and yet not.


(Prompted by decorated)

Crafty Verse (Limerick & Haiku Prompt)

Wednesday, August 20th, 2008

A new limerick, haiku, and senryu prompt (at long last) whose theme is jewelry, crafts, and engagements.  First, my limerick:

Engagement Bling
By Madeleine Begun Kane

“I’m engaged,” said the gal to her mom.
“I’m in love and I’m marrying Tom.”
“But I don’t see a ring,”
Said her mom.  “Get some bling.
Until then, I intend to stay calm.”

And now my haiku (senryu):

Craft show earrings
Once adorned the riverfront
And now grace my lobes.

Now, of course, it’s your turn. Your assignment, should you choose to accept it, is to write some verse about jewelry, crafts, or engagements. When you’ve posted your poem(s), please return here and add a direct link to your themed poetry, using Mr. Linky. There’s no rush, by the way, because you have until September 5th to post it.

Limerick and Haiku Prompts Participants     

1. Lilibeth
2. Random Short Stories
3. Crafty Green Poet
4. Linda – Nickers and Ink
5. Shannon
6. Granny Smith

UPDATE: Mr. Linky is now closed, but you can still add links to your jewelry, crafts, and engagement-related verse in the Comments. And if you’d like to participate in a new poetry prompt, you can always find my latest one here.

UPDATE 2: National Jewel Day is March 13th.