Posts Tagged ‘Content Rights’

Facebook Face Off?

Monday, February 16th, 2009

Many Facebook users are angry or at least concerned about Facebook’s revised and more aggressive terms of service (TOS).

Consumerist has some good info here about Facebook’s perpetual content rights grab, and WebTechLaw explains the legal ramifications and what Facebook’s revised terms mean for your content.

I’ve never been a Facebook fan and now I like it even less. But at least it’s provided inspiration for a new limerick:

Facebook Face-Off
By Madeleine Begun Kane

Greedy Facebook has published new rules
Which play all its users for fools.
It’s a content rights grab—
A perpetual nab
Of your stuff just for using its tools.

UPDATE: Facebook has reversed itself about these new rules as a result of bad press and membership ire. I’ll be activating my account and I’ll see how it goes.