Google Doesn’t Have My Number (Limerick)

Google compiles basic profiles on each of its users, based on web browsing habits. And I just found out I’m a 65-plus male.

If you’re wondering who Google thinks you are, simply sign into Google and visit your ad preferences.

Google Doesn’t Have My Number (Limerick)
By Madeleine Begun Kane

It seems Google believes I’m a guy–
One who’s 65-plus. And here’s why:
It claims its conclusion
Is ad-based — Delusion!
Ask my husband — this profile’s a lie!

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4 Responses to “Google Doesn’t Have My Number (Limerick)”

  1. brian says:

    ha…when i was on FB it used to trip me out some of the ads they would put for me…lol…yeah, maybe the computer is not as smart as it thinks…

  2. madkane says:

    Thanks, Brian and Madeleine! :)

  3. zongrik says:

    google is a lie and so is anything you hear on the news, well, at least the details

    wealth of laughter senryu