Fast Limerick (Limerick-Off Monday)

It’s Limerick-Off time, once again. And that means I write a limerick, and you write your own, using the same first line. Then you post your limerick here and, if you’re a Facebook user, on Facebook too.

As an experiment, I’m offering a freestyle limerick option this week, in addition to my preset pair of lines.

The best submission will be crowned Limerick Of The Week. (Here’s last week’s Limerick Of The Week Winner plus the Honorable Mentions.)

I’ll announce the Limerick of the Week Winner right before I post next week’s Limerick-Off. So that gives you a full week to submit your clever, polished verse.

I hope you’ll join me in writing a limerick with this first line:

A gal who was fast on her feet…


A guy who was fast on his feet…


Any First Line You Choose

Here’s mine:

Fast Limerick
By Madeleine Begun Kane

A gal who was fast on her feet
Knew a winner she yearned to unseat.
So she challenged the champ
At violin camp,
Where strong arms can outpace someone fleet.

Please feel free to write your own limerick using the same first line (and/or your freestyle limerick) and post it in my comments. And if you’re on Facebook, I hope you’ll join my friends in that same activity on my Facebook Limerick-Off post.

To receive an email alert whenever I post a new Limerick-Off, please send me an email requesting the alerts. You’ll find my email address on the upper right sidebar, in the “Author” section just below my Limerick-Offs button. Thanks!

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43 Responses to “Fast Limerick (Limerick-Off Monday)”

  1. Thom says:

    A gal who was fast on her feet
    Went and gave her dog a new treat
    She swayed and she swaggered
    To a tune by Mick Jagger
    Fido wished she had given him meat

  2. David Lott says:

    A gal who was fast on her feet
    Made it home faster than her sweet tweet
    She caught him in bed
    With his face all red
    This is one tryst he won’t repeat

  3. Daisy Mae says:

    A guy who is fast on his feet
    Will appear on tv to compete
    Despite onemillionmoms
    Raising outrageous qualms
    A huge win for Chaz B. would be sweet!

  4. A guy who was fast on his feet
    Went to war, but came home in defeat
    The fellow said, “Sarge,
    “When the bugler played Charge,
    “I thought he was sounding Retreat…”

  5. Jesse Levy says:

    A gal who was fast on her feet
    On TV exposed her left teat
    It caused a sensation
    Across the whole nation
    For Republicans it was red meat.

  6. Dianne McLaughlin says:

    A girl who was fast on her feet
    Ran for a congressional seat
    Didn’t get enough votes
    To keep her afloat
    Said this running has gotten me beat

  7. J Sardo says:

    A girl who was fast on her feet
    Offered a guy a quick treat
    He accepted her offer
    Reached into his coffer
    And took his sweet treat in the seat.

  8. J Sardo says:

    A guy who was fast on his feet
    Took advantage of a girl so sweet
    When her father found out
    He confronted the lout
    Who took off with his prize still in heat.

  9. Rinkly Rimes says:

    A gal who was fast on her feet,
    Saw a ghost and went white as a sheet.
    She took to her heels
    With lots of loud squeals
    But a fast ghost is too hard to beat!

  10. scott says:

    A guy who was fast on his feet,
    took the sportscaster gal to his suite,
    and made hot, dirty love,
    with the soon to be Guv.
    Just a wild mama grizzly in heat.

  11. Kathleen Cole says:

    A gal who was fast on her feet
    Wished her one prince to meet,
    But fled a political rally,
    Utterly refused to dally,
    On hearing the candidate’s bleat.

  12. Melanie Carbajal says:


  13. Pat Hatt says:

    A gal who was fast on her feet
    Ate a bad plate of meat
    She gave an odd chuckle
    As she forgot to unbuckle
    And ended up making a mess on her seat

  14. madkane says:

    Fun limericks! Please keep them coming!

  15. kaykuala says:

    A girl who was fast on her feet
    Could line up whomsoever to meet
    One as important as the King
    Or for herself just a little fling
    Imperative she must all the while be fit

  16. LOL! Excellent as always Madeleine.

  17. hansi says:

    A gal who was fast on her feet
    Had Twitter and loved to Tweet.
    She spotted a guy
    As she went running by
    And wrote LOL BFF, you’re so sweet.

  18. Elisa says:

    A gal who was fast on her feet
    found her father’s store wasn’t replete.
    So, she put on some shoes
    peddled some booze
    And made money through that fine feat

  19. Bone says:

    A gal who was fast on her feet
    Continued to play hard to get
    So though she was hot
    She never got got
    Now she searches for eHarmony

  20. earlybird says:

    A gal who was fast on her feet
    decided to learn how to tweet.
    Her fingers are fitter
    from learning to twitter
    but she never gets up from her seat.

  21. Elaine says:

    A gal who was fast on her feet
    Was dating a notorious cheat
    ‘Til the day he was caught
    With pants down, just for sport
    She chased his naked ass down the street.

  22. Amanda says:

    A gal who was fast on her feet
    Got her energy from Cream of Wheat
    As hot cereal goes
    It kept her on her toes
    And those races never knew her defeat

  23. Granny Smith says:

    A guy who was fast on his feet
    Broke an ankle while racing (delete
    The words that he swore)
    He was angry. What’s more
    He had bet all he owned on this meet.

  24. Granny Smith says:

    A gal who was fast on her feet
    Came in first at her very first meet
    She explained, “I was rushing.
    My hair needed brushing.
    I always try to be neat.”

  25. Granny Smith says:

    A guy who was fast on his feet
    Was racing and fell on his seat
    And his ankle was broken
    The guy now has spoken,
    “I think my next sport will be skeet!”

  26. Mark Megson says:

    A guy who was fast on his feet
    Achieved a miraculous feat
    He ran backwards high speed
    Until time did recede
    And is now Ancient Rome’s best athlete

  27. Sandy Short says:

    A gal who was fast on her feet
    Thought she could not lose in defeat
    Her speed keep her going
    And all the while knowing
    She was the best at the meet!

  28. BEWITCHED (freestyle)

    There once was a vampy old witch,
    The thought of her near made me twitch,
    But she had a nice twin,
    With a similar grin,
    My thought? Which witch was which?

  29. A gal who was fast on her feet
    knew nothing of being discrete.
    Her legs did not falter
    when she ran to the altar
    but her beau turned red as a beet.

  30. Mad, I wrote this one just for you, in thanks for your comment on my blog that you hoped I feel better soon! Happenstance, I love it:

    Bless you for your wishes, dear
    I’m mobile again; now I fear
    The practical fact:
    The dishes are stacked
    And the laundry is up to my rear!

    Amy (among the living once more)

  31. RJ Clarken says:

    A guy who was fast on his feet
    courted courtesan gal Marguerite.
    He danced her, romanced her
    and then he unpantsed her.
    Camille? Il est très bittersweet.

  32. RJ Clarken says:

    A guy who was fast on his feet
    made his getaway real quick and neat.
    When her husband walked in,
    she explained her nude skin
    was for him ‘cause she never would cheat.

  33. Granny Smith says:

    A guy who was fast on his feet
    Was racing to get a good seat.
    He’d listen to Bach
    Who is no one to knock.
    In fact he can not be beat.

  34. A guy who was fast on his feet
    Was craving some junk food to eat.
    He ran here and there
    With a curse and a swear;
    Found a burger at old Greasy Pete’s.

  35. Patricia says:


    a gal who was fast on her feet
    bragged on herself with conceit
    a take down was planned
    dare she race my sedan
    madly she tore out down the street

    Written By: Patricia Sawyer

    = = = = = =


    I once knew a girl they call Joy
    played all the guys like a toy
    till the night she met Bart
    easy love fills her heart
    before long.. joy’s joy is a boy..

    Written By: Patricia Sawyer

  36. A guy who was fast on his feet
    Through the window escaped with a sheet;
    Called her hubby, home at four,
    “Hon! Some ghost’s at the door,
    “Says ‘Happy Hallowe’en! Trick or treat?!’ “

  37. Old Raven says:

    No time for a limerick today … but thoroughly enjoyed the deer, hope hubby does not starve.

  38. Granny Smith says:

    A guy who was fast on his feet
    Was racing to get a good seat.
    He’d listen to Bach
    Who is no one to knock.
    In fact he just can not be beat.

  39. Paula Knarr says:

    A gal who was fast on her feet
    Attempted a paramour meet
    Her lovers she’d choose
    By the size of their shoes
    But sadly missed being discreet

  40. madkane says:

    Thanks for the fun limericks, everyone. And please keep them coming!

  41. Mark Kane says:

    A gal who was fast on her feet,
    Made sure she was first for the fleet.
    She’d race to the piers,
    Displaying her wares
    And relishing all she could eat.

  42. Dr. Goose says:

    A gal who was fast on her feet,
    When caught in a clinch indiscreet,
    Said: “My dear, I am told
    That the cure for a cold
    Is to heighten one’s bodily heat.”

  43. madkane says:

    Thanks so much everyone for your fun limericks. This Limerick-Off is officially over and you can find out who won here: Limerick of the Week 28

    But don’t worry if you’re itching for some limerick competition — a new Limerick-Off has already begun: Batty Limerick