Posts Tagged ‘We Write Poems’

Minding My Haiku

Sunday, April 3rd, 2011

Just a single spark —
all you need to fire up


Blaming messenger
heralds avoidance when you
can’t bear the message.


Some thorny problems
can’t be solved by deep thinking
and just need deep sleep.


(Prompts used in this post: making fire from We Write Poems, messenger from Sunday Scribblings, and thorn from Weekend Wordsmith)

Writing Humor Isn’t Funny

Monday, March 14th, 2011

We Write Poems has an against the grain prompt which asks how (or if) we manage to write when we just aren’t feeling creative. My three-verse limerick explains all … sort of:

To write humor when not in the mood
Takes a major adjustment of ‘tude.
If I’m still uninspired,
I tell me, “You’re fired,”
Or pretend I’m about to be sued.

Okay, none of this stuff’s really true.
When I’m blocked, I don’t know what to do.
So I shower or walk,
Read the news, turn on talk,
Absorb info, inviting a cue.

At long last something starts to take hold,
And a concept begins to unfold,
As I play with the news
Which teases my muse
In my quest for some comedy gold.

(You can find more of my writers block humor here.)

AWOL Angel

Tuesday, March 1st, 2011

AWOL Angel (Limerick)
By Madeleine Begun Kane

I guess guardian angels are fine.
I don’t know, cuz I’ve never met mine.
If I have one, it’s hiding—
No guarding, no guiding.
What I’m missing, I can not divine.

(Written for the We Write Poems Guardian Angel prompt.)

UPDATE: August 22 is Be An Angel Day, and October 2 is Guardian Angels Day.