Posts Tagged ‘Sweden’

Is “Bad, Bad Boy” Bad, Bad Art? (Limerick)

Tuesday, July 30th, 2013

Some Swedes ain’t sweet on this sculpture:

Each summer the city of Örebro becomes a canvas for international artists to present their work as part of the Örebro Open Art exhibition. This year, one particular sculpture has caused quite a stir since its installation on the banks of the River Svartån.

The provocative piece is an eight-metre high sculpture of a nude male figure urinating into the river…

“Bad Bad Boy” by Finnish artist Tommi Toija stands towering over the river bank with his disproportionate body: lanky and topped with an over-sized, round, bald head. His skin, made from clay, is a blistering sunburnt-pink, and his wide-eyed facial expression is as hard to decipher as the art itself.

Is “Bad, Bad Boy” Bad, Bad Art? (Limerick)
By Madeleine Begun Kane

A sculpture’s creating a stir—
The “Bad, Bad Boy” pissing monsieur:
As it pees in the river,
The folks are aquiver.
Is it art? Connoisseurs may demur.

Weeding Out Crazy Lawsuits (Outdoor Smoking Ban Limerick)

Saturday, September 1st, 2007

As a result of a neighbor’s lawsuit, a Swedish woman can no longer smoke in most of her garden. (And you thought the United States was a litigious country.)

Stockholm – A Swedish woman has been banned by court order from smoking in large parts of her own garden following a complaint from a neighbour…

… The neighbour, a lawyer, filed the complaint with the court in Vaxjo, in southern Sweden, saying he was obliged to wear a mask in his garden when the neighbour lit up.

Weeding Out Crazy Lawsuits (Limerick)
By Madeleine Begun Kane

A cig-hating fellow from Sweden
Sued a gal cause she smoked during weedin’.
Now smoking’s been banned
On much of her land.
What’s next? Litigation o’er readin’?