Limerick Bill (Limerick-Off Monday)

It’s Limerick-Off time, once again. And that means I write a limerick, and you write your own, using the same first line. Then you post your limerick here and, if you’re a Facebook user, on Facebook too.

The best submission will be crowned Limerick Of The Week. (Here’s last week’s Limerick Of The Week Winner plus the Honorable Mentions.)

How will your poems be judged? By meter, rhyme, and cleverness. (If you’re feeling a bit fuzzy about limerick writing rules, you can find some helpful resources listed here.)

I’ll announce the Limerick of the Week Winner right before I post next week’s Limerick-Off. So that gives you a full week to submit your clever, polished verse.

I hope you’ll join me in writing a limerick with this first line:

A man was upset by a bill…*


A gal was upset by a bill…*

*(Minor variations to my first lines are acceptable, but rhyme words may not be altered.)

Here’s my limerick:

Limerick Bill
By Madeleine Begun Kane

A man was upset by a bill
That was pending on Capitol Hill.
He assumed it impacted
His work if enacted.
Seems dentists hate “drill baby drill.”

Please feel free to write your own limerick using the same first line and post it in my comments. And if you’re on Facebook, I hope you’ll join my friends in that same activity on my Facebook Limerick-Off post.

To receive an email alert whenever I post a new Limerick-Off, please send me an email requesting the alerts. You’ll find my email address on the upper right sidebar, in the “Author” section just below my Limerick-Offs button. Thanks!

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48 Responses to “Limerick Bill (Limerick-Off Monday)”

  1. Rinkly Rimes says:

    A man was upset by a bill
    And his voice became strident and shrill.
    He shouted ‘Your charge
    Is impossibly large.
    My cash just won’t fit in your till!’

  2. A man was upset by a bill
    When he sought a professional kill
    He said, “Holy s**t!”
    “You charge WHAT for a hit?”
    So a pundit is punditing still…

  3. Pat Hatt says:

    A man was upset by a bill
    That he got for having a thrill.
    For to his dismay
    Nothing would display
    If only he would have popped that pill

  4. Mama Zen says:

    That’s hilarious!

  5. Jim Delaney says:

    A gal was upset by a bill
    For an item she’d sent to Goodwill:
    “For resale, we’ve got
    To remove every spot,
    And your coat had a lot, Ms. de Vil.”

  6. Veralynne says:

    A man was upset by a bill
    That was offered up up on “The Hill”
    It served only the greedy
    And none of the needy–
    Fed 99% of us swill.

  7. Veralynne says:

    A guy was upset by the bill
    The hotel handed him until
    He realized what good fun
    “Foreign” (to him) movies had done
    Just remembering gave him a thrill.

    He walked away happy to pay–
    And enjoy flicks like that another day
    With a new lease on life
    He went home to his wife
    WOW! She didn’t know WHAT to say!

  8. Johanna Richmond says:

    A man was upset by a bill
    Not commensurate with the doc’s skill.
    When he asked for a snip
    He meant HIGHER than hip;
    Now his lump and his wad are both nil.

  9. RJ Clarken says:

    A man was upset by a bill
    for some wine he considered ‘pig-swill.’
    ‘Though its score was first rate
    its taste did not equate.
    “It’s a wine to pair with fresh road-kill.”

  10. RJ Clarken says:

    A gal was upset by a bill
    for three telephone calls to Brazil.
    “I know no one down there
    so this bill isn’t fair!”
    Now her bill can be found in landfill.

  11. Kathleen Cole says:

    Don’t Mean To Be Shrill
    A gal was upset by a bill,
    Decried it on Capitol Hill.
    Just use your brains!
    See what it contains!
    It’s a special in.ter.est shill.

  12. A man was upset by a bill…
    Texting was his daughter’s big thrill…
    When she showed her disdain…
    He sent her a text to explain…
    “You’ve just been cut from the will.”

  13. zongrik says:

    A “lady” was upset by a bill
    some John gave to pay for a thrill.
    He had forced her to take
    what was clearly a fake
    now he speaks with a high girly shirll.

  14. Gordon Richmond says:

    A man was upset with a bill
    Which paid for a one-night stand thrill,
    But was it the screwing
    That caused his undoing,
    Or was it her lack of a pill?

  15. Mark Kane says:

    A man was upset by his bill
    At his pub so he built him a still.
    He cooked corn mash all night,
    Soon his lightning was white.
    Now his bar tab with buddies is nil.

  16. Mark Kane says:

    A gal was upset with her bill
    From her escort, He gave her no thrill.
    Her money ill spent,
    He came and he went,
    Long before she had gotten her fill.

  17. Mark Kane says:

    A man was upset with his bill
    From his waiter, so much for good will!
    He had ordered a steak,
    They provided a fake.
    This was simply a plate of “Road Kill”.

  18. Mark Kane says:

    A man was upset with his bill
    From a hooker who came “Dressed to Kill”,
    When “she” parted her thighs,
    He soon became wise,
    This was not someone he’d ever drill.

  19. sideview says:

    A man was upset by a bill
    For a coat to keep out the chill
    His wife said “Sure it’s fur
    To ensure that I purr”
    It’s for me and not for the MIL

  20. No limerick, but thanks for visiting my blog. :)

  21. Terri Brewer says:

    A gal was upset by a bill
    so she went and took a pill
    would have given a sigh
    but instead she got high
    at the local corn liquor still.

  22. A man was upset by a bill,
    “You can shut off the heat if you will!
    I’ll go live in a cave,
    Nine to five I won’t slave,
    And for dinner I’ll have what I kill!”

  23. A man was upset by a bill,
    And was simply refusing to chill
    “To pay this kind of tip
    I would want Her to strip
    I got Sir Loin, instead, in my grill”

  24. A man was upset when a bill
    Said, “Sir I shan’t vanish until…
    You cease your spending
    And start with mending
    Your financial deeds and poor will

  25. Young Jack was upset by a bill
    From a claims lawyer, headed “RE: JILL”
    “Our client’s poor daughter
    “Tripped on YOUR pail of water,
    “After which, she went quickly downhill.”

  26. A man was upset by a bill
    That was surely not meant for a thrill
    Instead of a plane
    He jumped from a crane
    And landed in the target land fill

  27. brian miller says:

    a man was upset with a bill
    which gave the duck quite a thrill
    acting rather smug
    he pointed to Bugs
    n’said its wabbit season, now kill

  28. jesse levy says:

    A man was upset by a Bill
    Cause an intern gave Bill a thrill
    “We’ll have to impeach ‘im.
    I guess that’ll teach ‘im.”
    So Newt zeroed in for the kill.

    But now look what’s going on
    Newt’s running and Bill is all gone.
    And Newt, with no ethic
    Sure looks pathetic
    He’s really the worst Neo-con.

  29. scott says:

    A man was upset by a bill.
    His health care plan covered nil.
    Yet at the same time,
    who pays not a dime?
    Those sleeze-balls on Capitol Hill.

  30. Traci B says:

    A gal was upset by a bill
    for that hair treatment called the Brazil;
    high humidity knocked
    the straight out of her locks,
    but she had to pay for it still.

  31. A man was upset by a bill
    He said, in a voice oh so shrill
    They’re a thrill to behold
    But their weight in real gold???
    I could have just gone to Brazil

  32. A man was upset by a bill
    and glues it right to the window sill
    and there it stays
    til the end of the days
    ok – might be a bit of an overkill

  33. Konrad Schwoerke says:

    A gal was upset by a bill
    That Republicans passed on the Hill.
    “They refuse to apportion
    Some funds for abortion;
    This makes getting raped such a thrill.”

  34. J Sardo says:

    A man was upset by a bill
    He ran up while seeking a thrill
    When the bill came due
    For the champagne screw
    Kissing this piper was a bitter pill.

  35. Errol Nimbly says:

    Young Will was upset by a bill:
    Twas the beak of his pet turtle, Phil.
    With steadfastness most farcical,
    Phil, like an arsical,
    Clung to Will’s trousers of twill.

  36. Mrsupole says:

    A man was upset by a bill
    That he received for a new grill,
    For when he tried to make a steak
    He saw the new grill did break,
    Since it was missing many a screw.

  37. Lilibeth says:

    A man was upset by a bill
    For, as resources go, he had nil
    He had settled accounts
    With checks that all bounced
    And their echoes bombarded him still

  38. Errol Nimbly says:

    A man quite upset with a Bill,
    Said the plays Bill had written were swill.
    Whence there came, no denial
    From the bard, just a smile
    And a poke in the eye from his quill.

  39. Anna :o] says:

    A man was upset by a bill
    For a meal that was run of the mill
    The sweet was quite gingery
    And to add insult to injury
    He’s running to the toilet still

  40. Matt Monitto says:

    A man was upset by a bill
    That wouldn’t allow him to kill
    His aunt for her cash.
    Still, his plan was a smash,
    Proving where there’s a way, there’s a will.

  41. Granny Smith says:

    A man was upset by a bill
    For a ton and a half of fresh krill.
    ” It’s a fact my pet whale
    Seems to think that it’s stale,
    and can’t eat it without getting ill.”

  42. Granny Smith says:

    A gal was upset by a bill
    From criminals hired to kill
    Her much hated rival
    Whose present survival
    (dead bystander) proof of their skill.

  43. Granny Smith says:

    A man was upset by the bill
    Of a stork seen just clearing the hill.
    “Who’s that that you carry?
    A Harry or Mary?
    My wife’s in the house, waiting still!”

  44. hedgewitch says:

    A man was upset by a bill
    of a duck who thought it a thrill
    to goose his posterior
    but the plan was inferior
    ’cause a duck is too easy to kill.

  45. Mark Megson says:

    A man was upset by a bill
    That belonged to a bird from brazil
    The bird, it was blind
    Flew inside his behind
    A toucan turned suppository pill

    And an alternative last line –

    A man was upset by a bill
    That belonged to a bird from brazil
    The bird, it was blind
    Flew inside his behind
    It got stuck and is flapping there still

  46. A gal was upset by a bill
    She received from her ex-husband Will
    For services rendered
    Which he never tendered
    With any compensable skill.

  47. madkane says:

    Thanks very much everyone for your fun limericks! This Limerick-Off is officially over. And the winner is…

    To find out who won Limerick of the Week and the Honorable mentions, click here.

    If you missed out on all the fun, never fear: A new Limerick-Off has already begun right here: Hidden Limerick.