Happy New Year Edition (Limerick-Off Monday)

It’s Limerick-Off time, once again. And that means I write a limerick, and you write your own, using the same first line. Then you post your limerick here and, if you’re a Facebook user, on Facebook too. The best submission will be crowned Limerick Of The Week. (Here’s last week’s Limerick Of The Week Winner plus the Honorable Mentions.)

How will your poems be judged? By meter, rhyme, and cleverness. (If you’re feeling a bit fuzzy about limerick writing rules, you can find some helpful resources listed here.)

I’ll announce the Limerick of the Week Winner right before I post next week’s Limerick-Off. So that gives you a full week to submit your clever, polished verse.

I hope you’ll join me in writing a limerick with this first line:

As the new year approaches, men swear…*


As the new year approaches, gals swear…*

*(Minor variations to my first lines are acceptable, but rhyme words may not be altered.)

Here’s my limerick:

Limerick For The New Year
By Madeleine Begun Kane

As the new year approaches, men swear
That they’ll finally end their affair.
They’ll diet, work out,
Learn to ski, buy some grout.
What’s their chance of success? Not a pray’r!

Please feel free to write your own limerick using the same first line and post it in my comments. And if you’re on Facebook, I hope you’ll join my friends in that same activity on my Facebook Limerick-Off post.

To receive an email alert whenever I post a new Limerick-Off, please send me an email requesting the alerts. You’ll find my email address on the upper right sidebar, in the “Author” section just below my Limerick-Offs button. Thanks!

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79 Responses to “Happy New Year Edition (Limerick-Off Monday)”

  1. Rinkly Rimes says:

    As the New Year approaches men swear
    That they’ll have a real hot love-affair.
    But the girls that they meet
    In the bar, on the street,
    Say ‘We’re sorry! Your cupboard is bare!’

  2. As the new year approaches, men swear
    They will read all the works of Flaubert
    But soon, it’s “Hey, Mabel!
    “This channel on cable
    “Shows reruns of “Sonny and Cher!”

  3. Pat Hatt says:

    As the New Year approaches men swear
    They’ll never take another dare
    That involves a horse
    For the main course
    Just because their Godfather needs a scare

  4. brian says:

    as the new year approached, men swear
    last night wont happen again next year
    can’ardly remember
    not feeling limber
    and now what to hibernate like a bear

  5. Deb says:

    “As the new year approaches, gals swear…”
    Definitely will polish the flatware!
    The stuff is a mess,
    This is too much stress
    Better to buy new & more stemware!

  6. Jim Delaney says:

    As the New Year approaches, men swear
    That they won’t stay too long at the fair.
    But they wake in the dawn
    With a wince and a yawn
    And the hope to be handled with care.

  7. zongrik says:

    As the new year approaches toddlers swear
    That they will learn to behave in day-care
    They will stop talking back
    And get on the right track
    As they pee-pee in the kid’s potty chair.

  8. As the new year approaches, men swear
    To do better. It’s only fair,
    But we all know too well
    Bout that road to hell –
    What it’s paved with…so, better beware!

  9. jesse levy says:

    As the new year approaches men swear
    that they’ll do more to show that they care
    But their spouses know well
    that the guy’ll go to hell
    for screwing their latest au pair.

  10. Nan Reiner (a/k/a Kitty Ditty) says:

    Madeleine, your lim is so wonderful and so all-encompassing, I doubt I’ll be able to match it. But here’s one spur-of-the-new-year-moment:

    As the new year approaches, men swear
    Of their bodies they’ll take better care.
    But resolve swiftly slips;
    Watching Bowls, munching chips,
    Not a one gets off his derriere.

  11. As the new year approaches, gals swear
    That they’ll finally take care
    of the clothes that pile
    on all chairs since a while
    but maybe it can be done also next year..

  12. J Sardo says:

    As the new year approaches men swear
    To pat more his gal’s derriere
    It’s spread some with time
    Still responds to fine wine
    And offers about all he can bear.

    As the new year approaches gals swear
    Oh what I’d give for a new derriere
    The old one’s still fine
    But keeps spreading with time
    From dessert all next year I swear to forebear.

  13. As the New Year approaches men swear
    To reject the old night and its mares
    They yodel for whiskey
    They whistle for gin
    To toast life without any cares!

  14. Victoria says:

    As the new year approaches gals swear
    That their “skinny” clothes, once more they’ll wear
    So they cut out the fats
    And turn into old bats
    Better plump than to torment their “herr.”

  15. Johanna Richmond says:

    This may be too altered competition purposes but it came to me like this so I’ll post it as a warm-up:)

    As the new year approaches, beware:
    Your dear husband will most likely swear
    To appreciate more
    All the ways you keep score.
    Don’t be fooled – being nice isn’t fair.

  16. Johanna Richmond says:

    Sorry – forgot the period at the end of the 4th line. My proofreading skills have tanked in the last year!

    (Note from Mad Kane: I fixed it for you.)

  17. Johanna Richmond says:

    As the new year approaches, men swear
    To change more than their skank underwear,
    But proactive solution
    The male constitution
    Resists (much to woman’s despair).

  18. Berowne says:

    As the new year approaches, men swear:
    “Getting plastered has been my bugbear.
    I’ll stop with the hard stuff,
    Chivas Regal to rebuff,
    I’ll settle for vin ordinaire.”

  19. Johanna Richmond says:

    As the new year approaches, men swear
    And go on like they’re quoting Voltaire,
    But said eloquent man
    Cannot master the can —
    See my toilet rim crowned derriere.

  20. scott says:

    As the new year approaches, men swear.
    As a hot babe approaches, men stare.
    As game time comes near,
    men go get a beer,
    and head for the ol’ easy chair.

  21. Veralynne says:

    As the new year approaches, gals swear
    To lay off the fat and to bare
    Both their midriffs and hearts
    And other body parts
    But they give up and just cut their hair.

    Some changes are too hard to make
    Like giving up chocolate or steak
    It takes work–it’s not play
    Try baby steps every day?
    Or, when you blow it, give yourself a break.

    There’s always next year, I have said
    By then per’aps it’ll “click” in your head
    So that results will supersede
    The gluttony and the greed
    And your steps will feel lighter than lead!

  22. Natalie says:

    happy 2012,

    loved your humor and limericks, keep it up.

    Big Smiles.

  23. I kept looking for a linky. My double-limerick sat for hours, and didn’t improve a bit, until I finally figured out there wouldn’t be a linky. Duh.
    So here goes:

    Now the new year’s arrived, women swear
    We will once more stop dyeing our hair
    We’ll go on a diet
    (At least, we will try it!)
    And throw out all the things we can’t wear.

    We won’t complain about our in-laws,
    We’ll stop acting like they’re outlaws,
    We’ll clean up our act,
    We’ll develop some tact,
    And won’t have discussions about laws.

    Kay, Alberta, Canada
    An Unfittie’s Guide to Adventurous Travel

  24. Johanna Richmond says:

    As the new year approaches, I swear
    Off pretending to be Linda Blair:
    “No high estrogen level
    Will make me go devil!”
    (That was me from my bed in the air.)

  25. sideview- viewfromtheside says:

    As the new year approaches, men swear
    To behave in ways proper and fair
    To eschew all vice
    And do what is nice
    Keeping to it though; is rare

  26. John Larkin says:

    As the new year approaches, men swear
    that they’ll take better care of their hair.
    But time takes its toll
    and frustrates their goal
    as their hair disappears in the air.

  27. Lee Magilow says:

    As the new year approaches men swear
    To be better at showing they care
    It could be for their date
    Or even their mate
    But it won’t be their soul that’s laid bare.

  28. Lee Magilow says:

    As the new year approaches gals swear
    A plan to improve they’ll prepare
    They’re told “Start attacking
    That something that’s lacking”
    Not seeing they’re already there.

  29. Ramesh sood says:

    INTERESTING….I now know what all I can think of doing in the new year.. as a man.. Happy New Year to you..

  30. Thanks for visiting my blog. Happy new Year to you :)

  31. Lilibeth says:

    As the new year approaches gals swear
    They will do something fresh with their hair
    They will streak, chop, or dye it
    That wild style? They’ll try it
    To give their old face a new flare

  32. RJ Clarken says:

    As the New Year approaches, some swear
    as their platform they’ll bring back school prayer.
    This they’ll do, but which brand
    of religion is planned?
    I’ve a feeling it’s quite doctrinaire.

  33. RJ Clarken says:

    As the New Year approaches, I swear
    (‘cause I read it in Vanity Fair)
    at Wendy’s… foie gras?!
    Ye gads. How bourgeois!
    It’s an upscale, fast food love affair.

  34. RJ Clarken says:

    As the New Year approaches, men swear
    in their tuxes they’re quite debonair,
    suave, charmant and très chic.
    They’re top hat, so to speak
    so they strut as if walking on air.

  35. Johanna Richmond says:

    As the new year approaaches, men swear
    To be certain, refined, debonaire,
    But alone on the beach
    (Perhaps eating a peach),
    Mounts Prufrockian doubt: “Do I dare?”

  36. As the new year approaches, men swear
    That they’ll never get old, that their hair
    Will be lustrous and full
    That they’ll always be cool
    But alas they get worse for the wear

  37. Veralynne says:

    As the New Year approaches men swear
    To attitude less Devil-may-care
    But overtime’s no fun
    And they’re too pooped to run
    So their choice is for less wear and tear.

  38. Veralynne says:

    As the New Year approaches I swear
    And I shout my protests in the air
    The first’s just another day
    I know I’ll stay this way
    So why should I act like I care?

  39. Errol Nimbly says:

    As the new year approaches, I swear
    To forego, dear, my lazy-boy chair.
    No more evenings, pedantic —
    I’ve grown more romantic —
    Soon you’ll have your feet in the air.

  40. Matt Monitto says:

    As the new year approaches, men swear
    To find love with a girl sweet and fair.
    But for most, this won’t be,
    As they’re failing to see
    That they’re ugly and fat with no hair.

  41. Matt Monitto says:

    As the new year approaches, I swear
    That my failures and gaffes? I won’t care!
    If I stumble today,
    I’ll just shrug it away;
    I’m releasing it up in the err.

  42. As the new year approaches, gals swear
    That although they have nothing to wear
    They will curb their excesses
    And fit new, petite dresses
    Just to hear girlfriends say, “that’s unfair!”

  43. Granny Smith says:

    As the New Year approaches, gals swear
    That they MUST buy some NEW clothes to wear.
    But each husband still clings
    To his old worn-out things:
    “You can NOT throw them out. Don’t you dare!”

  44. As the New Year approaches gals swear
    To be ladies with tightly pinned hair
    They pledge, “No more sweets
    Or fatty, red meats!
    (Once I finish this chocolate éclair.)

  45. Kay Salady says:

    As the new year approaches gals swear
    To throw out their old underwear
    And buy lingerie
    So their hubby’s will stay
    Interested in what’s happening there

  46. Kay Salady says:

    As the New Year approaches gals swear
    To throw out their old underwear
    And buy lingerie
    So their hubbies will stay
    Interested in what’s happening there


  47. Madeleine says:

    Bravo! I love it. :O)

  48. Madeleine says:

    As the new year approaches, gals swear
    When they face the New Year with a dare
    That although they may fail
    They’ll propose to their male
    Cos it’s leap year, when such things are fair.

  49. Madeleine says:

    As the new year approaches, men swear
    To dispose of their old underwear
    As their grubby old briefs
    Rouse disparaging shrieks
    From the gals they invite to their lair.

  50. Madeleine says:

    As the new year approaches, men swear
    With words that hang blue in the air
    That they’ll never admit
    That they’ve been quite a sh*!
    To their gals through the previous year.

  51. Madeleine says:

    As the new year approaches, gals swear
    That their hubby’s old socks they’ll repair
    With some make do and mend
    They’ll increase their stipend
    So they’ve more they can spend on their hair.

  52. Johanna Richmond says:

    As the new year approaches, gals swear
    They’ll improve at pretending to care
    About sugar and spice,
    fetching fashion advice,
    Lingerie and luxurious hair.

  53. Johanna Richmond says:

    As the new year approaches, men swear:
    No more meat or at least none cooked rare;
    Why have twelve beers when six
    Is an adequate fix?
    As for porn, only followed by prayer!

  54. As the new year approaches, men swear
    They won’t flirt with the maid or au pair
    And be true to their vows
    “For me, only my spouse”
    They are full of it, I do declare

    As the new year approaches, gals swear
    That they wish to be walking on air
    On the wings of a dove
    Then they’ll know it’s true love
    But it helps if he’s a millionaire

  55. Mark Megson says:

    As the new year approaches, men swear
    They’ll try not to ogle and stare
    A flawed resolution
    With a single solution –
    Blindness, or at least vision impaired

  56. scott says:

    As the new year approaches, gals swear,
    they will try out some thong underwear.
    Then reality hits them,
    right where nature splits them,
    and their asses get stuck to the chair.

  57. As the New Year approaches, women swear
    that they simply have nothing to wear.
    If they’re going to go out
    they must posture and pout
    till a credit card falls from the air.

    And I LOVE Scott’s thong limerick!!!!!

  58. Gordon Richmond says:

    As the new year approaches, men swear
    They will aim for the toilet with care,
    But the subject in hand
    May ignore the command
    And reroute its direction mid-air.

  59. Gordon Richmond says:

    As the New Year approaches, men swear
    To select resolutions with care.
    Should their promises call
    Them to carry the ball,
    They shall prove that they still have a pair.

  60. Catherine says:

    As the new year approaches, men swear
    at porn mags they’ll no longer stare
    but to gaze at their wives
    for the rest of their lives…
    Hmmm…perhaps just one mag…as a spare!

  61. Tea Norman says:

    “Not a pray’r.” Enjoyed your limerick about “change.”

  62. Replied to your reply: YouKnowThatBlog

    As the new year approaches, men swear
    That they’ll approach their wives with more care
    Less drinking and smoking
    More caressing (and poking??)
    Well… the thought (I guess, ladies?) is there!

  63. Mrsupole says:

    As the new year approaches, men swear
    that they are going to wash their body and hair.
    With soap, they scrub and rub very hard,
    rinse off with the hose from the backyard,
    to find they are bald and that life is not fair.

    This was fun.

    Thank you so much for having us play from Theme Thursday.

    God bless.

  64. kaykuala says:

    As the new year approaches, men swear
    A change for the better as you would dare
    A converted soul
    No more an a..hole
    Who then would reasonably bid to care

  65. becca givens says:

    You certainly have some good ones here … Bravo to everyone for the limerick challenge.

    I love to visit and chuckle ~~ Happy New Year, Madeleine!!!

  66. sheila moore says:

    not a prayer – lol. that’s why I don’t even make resolutions anymore (smiles)

  67. Taylor says:

    wow, you are doubling your dare
    on love affair,
    men never really care
    when they see a girl who looks lovely and fair.

    happy new year.

  68. Dr. Goose says:

    As the new year approaches, men swear
    They will put on more stylish menswear,
    But the doubt that arises
    For new suits and ties is:
    “The best place to shop for men’s where?”

  69. Robert Schechter says:

    As the new year approaches, I swear
    And I curse like a sailor and share
    Expressions so foul
    They make Dave Mamet scowl
    And Dawkins recite the Lord’s Prayer.

  70. Robert Schechter says:

    As the new year approaches, gals swear
    To slim down a fat derriere
    Or stomach, or both,
    But this annual oath
    Will be kept, as the poets say, ne’er.

  71. Terri Brewer says:

    As the new year approaches, gals swear
    to buy some sexy new underwear
    so as to turn their guys on
    all the way to hill and gone
    who’d rather just see them bare!

  72. Never wrote a limerick but after laughing all the way down the page I’m inspired to try:

    Every New Years Day I swear “Oh shit”
    My youth is slipping away bit by bit
    Each hair that turns grey
    Distracts from the sway
    of the pounds packed on where I sit

  73. Whoops! Didn’t read this BEFORE: (Minor variations to my first lines are acceptable, but rhyme words may not be altered.)

    So new to the limerick game, I swear!
    Damn! I fell kerpluck into a snare
    Not reading the rule
    I feel like a fool
    Eliminates me, unfair

  74. playful limerick,


  75. Errol Nimbly says:

    As the new year approaches, men swear:
    Dear, you DON’T have a square derriere.
    You have buns firm and spanky
    (Not cellulite skanky),
    You DO have a nicely shaped pair.

  76. Some great ones here, but I shouldn’t have read them all! Now I got nothin!

    Ain’t Skeert

  77. Johanna Richmond says:

    As the new year approaches, I swear
    To be temperate, prudent and fair.
    Then some GOP ass
    Fouls my plan blowing gas
    Out his slack teabag-backed derriere

  78. Granny Smith says:

    At the new year’s approach, some men swear
    To forgo all dire headlines that scare.
    He’ll not fear unemployment
    (It might spoil his enjoyment)
    – At least ’til his cupboard is bare.

  79. madkane says:

    Thanks so much everyone for your fun limericks! This limerick is officially over. And the winner is…

    Congratulations to the Limerick of the Week Winner and the Honorable Mention Winners: Limerick of the Week 43.

    But never fear — a new Limerick-Off has already begun.