Posts Tagged ‘Weather Humor’

This And That

Tuesday, March 8th, 2022

Headeline: “No Big Macs for Putin as McDonald’s Halts Russia Operations”

(Which probably puts the kibosh on Trump’s visit to pal Putin)


Yesterday temps got to 67 in NYC. Tomorrow they’re predicting snow.

I’m not sure what’s more erratic these days, weather or mail.

Seasoned Limerick

Monday, December 3rd, 2012

Seasoned Limerick
By Madeleine Begun Kane

It’s spring and the weather is mild.
Now it’s summer. The heat has me riled.
Autumn leaf-peaking thrills me,
And winter’s cold chills me.
All once true — now the weather’s just wild.

(My verse about global warming and climate change was prompted by “Time Counts” at We Write Poems.)

Limerick Bluster

Monday, November 19th, 2012

Congratulations to for its excellent 2012 Word of the Year selection — Bluster. (Needless to say, its luster inspired a limerick.)

2012 saw the most expensive political campaigns and some of the most extreme weather events in human history, from floods in Australia to cyclones in China to Hurricane Sandy and many others. Man-made disasters spiraled as the European Central Bank continued to hem and haw over bailouts and austerity, and Greeks went to the polls after years of uncertainty. Even after many spilled words, the stability of the Euro fuels debate around the world. So what one word conveys these dominant trends of 2012? Bluster.

Limerick Bluster
By Madeleine Begun Kane

The wordies have managed to muster
An apt word for the year: It is “Bluster.”
Windy pols and big storms
Are Two-Thousand-Twelve norms—
Not to mention a big budget buster.