Courting Votes (Limerick)

Today is the First Monday in October, which means the U.S. Supreme Court is back in session. A court, I might add, that’s packed with aging Justices, who could very well retire in the next four years.

Courting Votes (Limerick)
By Madeleine Begun Kane

The Supreme Court is back in DC—
A reminder that voting is key.
Just imagine the blight:
A court swing further right—
Forty-seven percenter debris.

UPDATE: In a Facebook discussion of my limerick, someone suggested that smoking weed might improve the Justices’ ability to render good decisions. So naturally, I had to write this:

The Justices need to be stoned —
Not with rocks, of course. Cannabis-zoned.
They’d make better decisions
And fewer provisions
Wherein stare decisis is boned.

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3 Responses to “Courting Votes (Limerick)”

  1. brian miller says:

    smiles…i think that 47 percent comment is going to haunt romney to his grave…and it will def be important who is in office as the next round of nominations are made…

  2. JulesPaige says:

    Me, I’m not a ‘jackass’
    Or an ‘elephant’ to pass gas
    Politics to me are wonky, statistically speaking
    Those ‘beastie’ guys and gals do way too much preaching
    I’m just a human member of the working class.


  3. madkane says:

    You’re right, Brian.
    Fun verse, Jules!