Just In Time For French Language Day (Limerick)

At one time, I spoke French rather well,
But my French-speaking skill’s gone to hell.
They say “use it, or lose it.”
(In my case, abuse it.)
Mon français n’est ni joli ni belle.

French Language Day is celebrated annually on March 20th.

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8 Responses to “Just In Time For French Language Day (Limerick)”

  1. Robert Kennedy says:

    A sweet young Parisienne named May
    Parked her butt on an antique bidet.
    Hearing sounds from la rue
    She cried out “Sacre bleu!
    There’s no water now pour mon cafe!”!”

  2. The Portly Bard says:

    This might be a completely unfounded rumor — dessert sounds a bit rich — but….

    According to Mark…

    Au contraire, when a menu is there…
    you regain your renown savoir faire…
    with filet that’s mignon,
    cabernet sauvignon,
    creme brulee, le beignet, and l’eclair.

  3. madkane says:

    LOL! All those desserts sound disgusting to me — extremely rich, as you note. (Mark likes them, however. But he can’t speak French at all.)

    As for filet mignon, that’s the only steak I’ll eat. Yum!

  4. Lisi Nortman says:

    Don’t be sad, Mad, Brian can help vous tu

  5. madkane says:

    LOL! And he certainly has elsewhere.

  6. Rebecca says:

    Is the error at the end intended?
    It should be “beau” (masculine), not “belle” (feminine), in order to be in accordance with “français “, a masculine word, as witnessed by the use of “mon”.

  7. madkane says:

    Thanks Rebecca! A few days ago, someone on Facebook pointed that same error out to me. And I must confess that it was an unintentional error. But after it was pointed out to me, I decided to leave it. After all, it does prove my point: My French-speaking skill has indeed gone to hell!

    Thanks again!