Happy Petite And Proud Day! (Limerick)

If you’re five-four or under, “petite”
Is what many will call you. Don’t cheat
And pretend to be taller;
Be proud that you’re smaller…
Then savor a thick booster seat.

May 4 is Petite And Proud Day.

And yes, at only five-zero, I’ve been known to use a “booster” provided by a Broadway Theater — the very same one used (according to an usher) by Peter Dinklage.

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One Response to “Happy Petite And Proud Day! (Limerick)”

  1. Suzanne Heymann says:

    True story:

    I say I’m five-four, but I’m shorter
    By a fractional inch – just a quarter
    If I say I’m five-three
    And three quarters, I’d be
    Told, “Just round off, you fraction assorter!”