Game Limerick (Limerick-Off Monday)

It’s Limerick-Off time, once again. And that means I write a limerick, and you write your own, using the same first line. Then you post your limerick here and, if you’re a Facebook user, on Facebook too.

The best submission will be crowned Limerick Of The Week. (Here’s last week’s Limerick Of The Week Winner plus the Honorable Mentions.)

How will your poems be judged? By meter, rhyme, and cleverness. (If you’re feeling a bit fuzzy about limerick writing rules, you can find some helpful resources listed here.)

I’ll announce the Limerick of the Week Winner right before I post next week’s Limerick-Off. So that gives you a full week to submit your clever, polished verse.

I hope you’ll join me in writing a limerick with this first line:

A woman who always seemed game…


A fellow who always seemed game…

Here’s mine:

Game Limerick
By Madeleine Begun Kane

A woman who always seemed game
To attempt any venture you’d name
Resisted just one:
French kissing a nun.
Her excuse? “I can’t kiss an old flame.”

Please feel free to write your own limerick using the same first line and post it in my comments. And if you’re on Facebook, I hope you’ll join my friends in that same activity on my Facebook Limerick-Off post.

To receive an email alert whenever I post a new Limerick-Off, please send me an email requesting the alerts. You’ll find my email address on the upper right sidebar, in the “Author” section just below my Limerick-Offs button. Thanks!

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63 Responses to “Game Limerick (Limerick-Off Monday)”

  1. Rinkly Rimes says:


    I was a sweet old lady till I met you!

  2. Rinkly Rimes says:

    Forgot to post the limerick!


    A woman who always seemed game,
    Said ‘I’m finding my life much too tame!’
    So they thought they would mate her
    With a big alligator!
    But he said ‘ She’s not my type of dame.’

  3. sideview says:

    I did the haiku, but then came here and found a limerick asked for. Both rather feebel, I’m ashamed to say.

    Looking at the mirrored image
    Someone older than I used to be
    Yet still that is me

    A woman who always seemed game
    Replied when asked for her name
    I’m known far and wide
    As Matilda; Mrs Hyde
    As Jeckyll, there’s be too much shame

  4. sideview says:

    oops feeble! not feebel – or maybe the freudian slip makes the word correct?

  5. A woman who always seemed game
    Developed spots with a long Latin name.
    She got infected
    After sex unprotected;
    But was at a loss to know who to blame.

  6. LOL! Excellent. :O)

  7. hansi says:

    A woman who always seemed game
    Was a bore, and really quite lame
    And when it came to sex
    Would only do it with the Ex
    And as a result, everything was really just the same.

  8. Mark Kane says:

    A woman who always seemed game,
    Never held on to any one flame.
    She’d use and abuse them
    And often confuse them,
    Then leave shortly after she came.

  9. Matty says:

    a fellow who always seemed game
    went out with a strange looking dame
    as the petting got heavy
    in back of his Chevy
    he found out that Pete was her name

  10. Mark Kane says:

    Nice job Matty that one really made laugh!

  11. Mike says:

    A woman who always seemed game,
    Was known to the coppers by name.
    Though simple as dust,
    She’d use up her trust,
    And was taken downtown for to blame.

  12. A woman who always seemed game,
    wrote a limerick, but it turned out lame
    she said, “Darn the luck! It
    turns out that Nantucket
    has no rhyme that sounds quite the same!”

  13. amanda moore says:

    So you’re a bad influence Huh Mad?

  14. madkane says:

    Rinkly Rimes says: “I was a sweet old lady till I met you!”
    Amanda Moore says: “So you’re a bad influence Huh Mad?”

    LOL! A bad influence … and PROUD of it.

    Which reminds me — one of our frequent participants is a former nun. (But I won’t say who. :) )

    Thanks everyone for your fun limericks and kind words … and please keep them coming!

  15. Geraldine says:

    Too funny! Kissing old flames is never any fun!

    FYI, your link on OSI didn’t work when I tried it, took me back to the OSI page, not to your blog.

    Hugs to you Madeleine.

  16. Ira Bloom says:

    A woman who always seemed game,
    From Siam, said, without any shame:
    “I will whip your behind,
    If you like Thais that bind,
    ‘Cause I dress not to kill, but to maim.”

  17. Andy says:

    I’m laughing so hard, my side hurts!
    You definitely know how to entertain us and set everyone else off too.

    Nicely done, Mad Kane!

    Remove These Satin Sheets…

  18. Pat Hatt says:

    A woman who always seemed game
    Needed someone to blame
    As a matter of fact
    It was such a terrible act
    As she screamed out another guys name

  19. Morning says:

    witty and funny.

  20. Jesse Levy says:

    A woman who always seemed game,
    could never remember my name.
    I told her, quite peavy,
    “My dear, it is Levy.”
    Now her name and mine are the same.

  21. brian says:

    A woman who always seemed game
    threw a shoe and came up quite lame
    when he said giddy up
    she gave him a slap
    and cross the finish line alone without shame

  22. Good one!

    A woman who always seemed game
    Wished a man would remember her name.
    They never did
    And she felt so off the grid
    And she raised her children on a road without name.

  23. hahahaha i love this!!!! you made me laugh with the french kiss thing there!!!

  24. A woman who always felt game
    Could do any voice you could name;
    From the slow, husky drawl
    Of Lauren Bacall
    To the Moll-speak of Gloria Grahame.

  25. A woman who always seemed game
    chose partners, not ever the same
    when their members fell off
    at them she would scoff
    did a moth ever harm the flame

  26. MM says:

    A fellow who always seemed game
    Would do anything to widen his fame
    He went on TV
    And danced nakedly
    But only his head made it into the frame

  27. A fellow who always seemed game
    Couldn’t one night – to his shame
    His search for a pill
    Came up with nil
    And he stood with his member quite lame

  28. Veralynne says:

    A woman who always seemed game
    On second thought considered one lame.
    Her stylist gave her a dare:
    “Cut off all of your hair!”
    “Just a trim,” she said, “but thanks all the same.”

  29. Veralynne says:

    A fellow who always seemed game
    Had an ego no woman could tame
    It drove everyone wild
    He was like a spoiled child!
    At least everyone ’round knew his name.

  30. miss pie says:

    came over from gautami’s monday train… these are hilarious!!! i’m gonna have to work this one…

  31. Val says:

    A fellow who always seemed game
    seemed to cower in fear and in shame
    when his wife told a crowd
    his love making was loud
    such is the power of fame

  32. A fellow who always seemed game
    Went by a peculiar name
    Alfonso O’Reilly
    Nicknamed ‘Weird O’Smiley’
    He ended up going insane

  33. Dr. Goose says:

    A woman who always seemed game
    For a fling with a passionate flame
    Was spotted alone
    With Armando, Ramón,
    Antonio and Joe What’s-His-Name.

  34. Dr. Goose says:

    A woman who always seemed game
    For finding another to blame
    Said: “My problem today
    Is, my 2nd Grade play
    Was not met with sufficient acclaim.”

  35. kaykuala says:

    A woman who always seemed game
    Had a fearful reputation to her name
    A guy who tried to get fresh
    Was on the behind thrashed
    She was of a black belt Tae Kwon Do fame

  36. Bone says:

    A fellow who was always game
    Cast his lot with a bossy dame
    She cursed and she swore
    Now he’s game no more
    And skittish around whips and chains

  37. Poetrydiary says:

    A woman who always seemed game
    Took a few goes to steady her aim
    Then she seized a young man
    Who passed by in a van
    And his wife to this day she remains

  38. Morgaine620 says:

    A woman who always seemed game
    has lost her insanely cute name.
    She got angry and furious
    not happy and curious
    and never became a posh dame!

  39. Gordon says:

    This might apply to “Crazy Eyes” too:

    A woman who always seemed game
    Backed up too close to a flame
    As she flew through the air
    With a lit derriere
    She was looking for someone to blame.

  40. J Sardo says:

    A fellow who always seemed game
    Had a perfectly awful first name.
    When he started computin’
    He came up with Rasputin
    Whose name of ill fame was the same.

  41. A woman who always seemed game
    forgot three times a day ’bout her name
    it was simply gone
    and wasn’t much fun
    after a while she felt quite insane

  42. brian says:

    already in with a limerick…just wanted to say good to see you at dverse…

  43. shammi says:

    A fellow who always seemed game
    Ended up taking all the blame –
    From cheating to assault
    Ev’rything was his fault…
    And yet no one felt it was a shame.

    A fellow who always seemed game
    Other people to hurt and maim
    Soon found it was painful
    More than it was gainful
    When the Mafia came into the frame.

  44. Natasha says:

    A woman who always seemed game
    Should not have to hide behind name
    She stood strong and tall
    With no fear of the fall
    Like her, there were none of the same

  45. hedgewitch says:

    As the old saying goes–that’s funny, I don’t care who you are! laffin.

  46. A woman who always seemed game,
    Ignoring the prudes saying, “Shame!”
    Screwed powerful pricks,
    In state politics,
    Who passed many laws in her name.

  47. Congratulations…You are now accessible!

  48. pamelasayers says:

    Funny! Mad.


  49. Bruce Niedt says:

    A fellow who always seemed game
    met a huntress with archery fame.
    When she asked, “You seen prey?”
    “I’m game,” he did say.
    So she shot him! Now that was a shame.

  50. Bruce Niedt says:

    A woman who always seemed game
    bedded men who all asked her the same:
    “Did you have a good time?”
    And every night she would chime,
    “Oh yes! I am so glad I came!”

  51. Bruce Niedt says:

    Whoops, wrong version of that one – here’s a slight revision – thanks, Mad:

    A woman who always seemed game
    bedded men who all asked her the same:
    “Did you have a good time?”
    And each night she would chime,
    “Oh yes! I am so glad I came!”

  52. Bruce Niedt says:

    A woman who always seemed game
    for publicity, parlayed her fame
    and her dynamite looks
    into movies and books –
    that former spy, Valerie Plame.

  53. Kavita says:

    hahaha… It’s always a pleasure to visit you, Madeleine!! :)

    A fellow who always seemed game
    Brought home a lioness – wild, not tame
    Noble was his cause
    But when she bared her claws
    In the cage he leapt, his pride not the same


  54. Kathleen Cole says:

    Bad Penny
    A woman who always seemed game
    never would ask a hunk for a name,
    date of birth, stats, or vital statistics.
    But she soon gained a claim to fame
    By carefully arranging all the logistics
    of assignations way too many
    causing worried clinicians to exclaim,
    Ma’am you’re, like, a Bad Penny!

  55. Johanna Richmond says:

    A woman who always seemed game
    Loved a man who put “spicey” to shame;
    While his creamed pepper jack
    Made a very nice snack,
    His Jamaican jerk set her aflame.

  56. Johanna Richmond says:

    A fellow who always seemed game
    Savored spice — the man’s tastes were not tame
    But he courted fiasco
    With KY-Tabasco —
    Poor woman spit fire when she came.

  57. Johanna Richmond says:

    A woman who always seemed game
    Ran a tater sack race though she’s lame;
    When on hop one, she fell,
    She yelled “Y’all go to hell!
    I’ll be filing an insurance claim!”

  58. scott says:

    A woman who always seemed game,
    felt like her ass was aflame.
    Not from something she ate,
    it seems that her date,
    really should work on his aim.

  59. madkane says:

    Thanks everyone for your fun limericks and please keep them coming!

  60. scott says:

    A woman who always seemed game,
    one day heard God call her name,
    “Do not bathe in the bay!”
    but Eve did anyway,
    and the fish still do not smell the same.

  61. Edmund Weisberg says:

    A senator who always seemed game
    To make any outlandish claim
    Faulted the poor
    For all but the war,
    Then that silly page, once he came.

  62. madkane says:

    Thanks again everyone for your delightful limericks. This Limerick-Off is officially over and you can find out who won here.

    But don’t worry — a new Limerick-Off has already begun. You can find it here: Limerick Braggart