Happy “Take Your Dog To Work Day”

I’ll bet you didn’t know about this week’s most important holiday: Take Your Dog To Work Day. It’s celebrated each year on the first Friday after Father’s Day, so this year it falls on June 24th.

While I’m a big fan of Take Your Parents To Work Day, the thought of an office full of canines gives me pause.

But some people seem to like it, so I’ve written them a limerick:

Happy Take Your Dog To Work Day!
By Madeleine Begun Kane

I thought bringing your canine to work
A superb way to look like a jerk.
But I’m wrong off the bat:
Take your dog (not your cat)
To your workplace — a holiday perk.

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10 Responses to “Happy “Take Your Dog To Work Day””

  1. Geraldine says:

    How clever and cute is that, I like your poem M.

    This is my kind of holiday to celebrate, although bring your cat day would be even better LOL

    Hugs, G

    My Real Life Reviews.

  2. madkane says:

    Thanks Geraldine!

  3. earlybird says:

    I’m sorry??? !!! ‘Take your dog to work day’ ?? :)

    Fun limerick, Mad. Even if the subject is beyond my comprehension!

  4. Pat Cegan says:

    Love the limmerick and love more the idea of the chaos of everyone bringing their dog to work. My dog was so hyper that it would have been one big dog fight. I am still laughing at the idea. Hugs, pat

  5. Very cute limerick. And… I LOVE dogs, but think an office full of them would be too much! :)

  6. hansi says:

    That’s ridiculous. Now I can see a Take Your Livestock To Work day. You could butcher them during your morning break, and Bar-B-Que em for lunch.

  7. Mama Zen says:

    For me, that would be a sure way to the unemployment line! Oh, wait; I’m already unemployed!

  8. Pat Hatt says:

    hahaha never knew this even existed, what next? Take your hamster.

  9. brian says:

    this could really go bad…i think pat captured it well in his post to your post….

  10. madkane says:

    I’m so glad you all enjoyed “learning” about this odd holiday. Thanks so much for your comments!