Newsy Limerick

Once again, it’s Limerick-Off time. And that means I write a limerick, and you write your own, using the same first line. Then you post your limerick here and, if you’re a Facebook user, on Facebook too.

So I hope you’ll join me in writing a limerick with this first line:

A man who reported the news…

Here’s mine:

Newsy Limerick
By Madeleine Begun Kane

A man who reported the news
Had some very odd habits and views.
He’d rant and he’d rave
And refuse to behave.
And when caught in a lie, he blamed booze.

Please feel free to write your own limerick using the same first line and post it in my comments. And if you’re on Facebook, I hope you’ll join my friends in that same activity in my Facebook Limerick-Off post.

To receive an email alert whenever I post a new Limerick-Off, please send me an email requesting the alerts. You’ll find my email address on the upper right sidebar, in the “Author” section just below my Limerick-Offs button. Thanks!

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27 Responses to “Newsy Limerick”

  1. Laurie Kolp says:

    OMG- I can’t believe I’m first!

    A man who reported the news
    Forgot which channel to use
    This set him a’stumblin’
    Made fans all a’grumblin’
    Until his faux pas changed the views.

  2. Bobby Clark says:

    A man who reported the news
    Went to Egypt to report the world news.
    As he stood there talking
    The police came stalking
    Now his body’s a shade of chartreuse.

  3. Bob Kennedy says:

    A man who reported the news
    Took time off to go on a cruise
    His producer replaced him
    With eye candy named Kim
    Our reporter’s now singing the blues

  4. madkane says:

    LOL! I’m enjoying these! Laurie, I bet you sneaked in early while the guys were busy watching the Super Bowl :)

  5. Anne says:

    A man who reported the news
    Needed more than the usual number of crews
    He hemmed and he hawed
    And couldn’t ID any fraud
    Now job hunting’s put holes in his shoes.

  6. A man who reported the news
    was sent on a trip to Toulouse.
    The story was dead,
    so he stood on his head,
    reciting a poem by Ted Hughes.

  7. Robert Weller says:

    A man who reported the news
    Learned quickly to dodge errant shoes
    He was such a hog
    He decided to blog
    And now he sings the blues

  8. Daisy Mae says:

    A man who reported the news
    Employed words that are ‘way overused’
    Such as “storm of the century”
    Or “Fled the penitentiary”
    Yes, clichés were his favorite muse!

    (Back to you at the station, Mad ;-)

  9. Patrick says:

    A man who reported the news
    much preferred playing the blues.
    At night at the bar
    he saxxed like a star;
    then woke in the morn for his dues.

  10. Swisstoons says:

    A man who reported the news,
    Keith Olbermann had some strong views.
    Critics said he was biased;
    Fans thought him the wryest.
    Question is, who’ll fill his shoes?

  11. scott says:

    A man who reported the news,
    just hoped to inflame and enthuse,
    some nut with a notion,
    to cause an explosion.
    No, the man’s not the bomb, he’s the fuse.

  12. Veralynne Pepper says:

    A man who reported the news
    Had a bad case of deepening blues
    As the news got worse
    He thought: “Cruise or hearse?”
    Deciding on sea air on the cruise.

  13. Veralynne Pepper says:

    A woman who reported the news
    A frustrated actress, paying her dues
    When put on the spot
    Her answers were not
    But none of her audience had clues.

    As long as she’d prepared and researched
    High at her teleprompted desk she’d be perched
    But away from her show
    Little did she know
    A deer in the headlights she froze and then lurched.

    Silently awaiting her chance
    She continued her role in the dance
    ‘Til finally her heart
    Refused to play the part
    And she awoke from her left-leaning trance.

  14. madkane says:

    I’m really enjoying your limericks. Thanks everyone, and please keep them coming!

  15. Marla says:

    A man who reported the news
    Was known for blowing his fuse
    When the Steelers lost to the Packers
    He drank till he hollered, ‘You Slackers!”
    Translation: A lose is an excuse to infuse booze

  16. Cheri Long says:

    A man who reported the news
    Suddenly realized he had no clues.
    He just read what they’d written,
    But once he’d been bitten,
    He organized in-depth news crews.

  17. Lilibeth says:

    Said a man who reported the news:
    Spin it left? Spin it right? Must I choose?
    If I stick with the facts,
    Will they give me the axe
    For a colorless lack of political hues?

  18. Lee Magilow says:

    A man who reported the news,
    loved his writing but also his booze
    He soon lost his mind
    while trying to find
    how to sort out his p’s from his q’s.

  19. A man who reported the news
    his position of trust did abuse.
    No facts are exposed
    in his conservative prose,
    under boss Murdoch’s purview.

  20. Sally Franz says:

    A man who reported the news
    Was apt to take a short snooze
    But between his naps
    the economy collapsed
    On the bright side, he’s got nothing to lose.

  21. Travis says:

    I’m here from a little late from Monday Poetry Train. Your limerick made me laugh! Here’s my try:

    A man who reported the news
    His producer’s direction refused.
    “Suit and tie must I wear,
    But for comfort down there
    Feets can only take ratty old shoes!”

    Thanks that was fun!

  22. madkane says:

    Oh good, more fun limericks! Thanks everyone, and please keep them coming!

  23. Lee Magilow says:

    A man who reported the news
    made a bet he was destined to lose.
    Bet the devil his soul
    he’d report the truth whole
    while respecting his employer’s views.

  24. Dr. Goose says:

    A man who reported the news
    Declined to wear trousers or shoes,
    And would file his reports
    In polka dot shorts
    Of yellow and green and chartreuse.

  25. madkane says:

    I’m really enjoying these. Thanks so much to all of you. And feel free to post some more, of course!

  26. scott says:

    A man who reported the news
    drank a few too many brews
    then he went on the air
    in his underwear
    and threw-up on the weather girl’s shoes

  27. madkane says:

    Scott, that’s quite an image! :)