A Limerick Loser’s Lament

Congratulations to all the Washington Post Style Invitational limerick contest winners! (This is the contest I mentioned previously, where B-rhyme lines were provided.)

No, I didn’t win anything or earn an honorable mention. But I did write a limerick about losing:

A Loser Of A Limerick
By Madeleine Begun Kane

A contest was held by the Post,
But alas I’m unable to boast.
I submitted some verse —
Did not win, but won’t curse,
Though it seems that my entries are toast.

(Here’s my post about a previous WP Style Invitational limerick contest, where I managed to score an honorable mention.)

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2 Responses to “A Limerick Loser’s Lament”

  1. jesse levy says:

    All I can say is, “Oh well”
    though I thought your verses were swell.
    But in contests, I find
    you must make up your mind
    if you lose to just say “What the hell.”

  2. scott says:

    It seems that the judge at the Post,
    Should be deemed ‘adequate’, at the most.
    So my proposition,
    Is to burn that edition,
    And have a nice marshmallow roast.