Chafing At “Chick”

Chafing At “Chick”
By Madeleine Begun Kane

When a guy calls a woman a chick,
It strikes me as sexist and sick.
But my comments are tame;
Unless Richard’s his name,
I’m polite and I don’t call him dick.

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4 Responses to “Chafing At “Chick””

  1. Harry L says:

    I always wondered where the term “chick” came from?
    I always associated it with Swinging London in the 60’s? Does anyone use it anymore?
    How would you feel about a comeback of the term “tomato”?

  2. madkane says:

    I have no idea where chick came from. I still hear it from time to time, but it’s certainly not as popular as it once was.

    Ah tomato — that’s one I’ve never heard except in old movies. Hey, I’ve fine with it coming back, so long as I get to call guys potato. :)

  3. the skwib » The Carnival of Satire (#71) says:

    […] Madeleine Begun Kane has a duo of limericks for your edification and entertainment: Running from Mistakes and Chafing At “Chick”. […]

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