Posts Tagged ‘FBI Limerick’

Kavanaugh Lies (Limerick)

Sunday, September 30th, 2018

This limerick was inspired by Thursday’s hearing and this article: “THE UNBEARABLE DISHONESTY OF BRETT KAVANAUGH.”

Brett told lies to the world, large and small,
Some entailing an “I don’t recall.”
Some were odd, like this tale:
“No connections to Yale!”
Which just might Yale-grad-grandpa appall.

Brett Kavanaugh Limerick Duo

Wednesday, September 26th, 2018

Will Kavanaugh ever bow out?
That perjuring sexual lout
Was intended to be
Donald’s trump card; he’s key
To Trump’s keeping his freedom and clout.

Mitch has hired a “female assistant”
So Republican men can stay distant
From plans untoward
Like “assassinate” Ford…
Which might render their wins non-existent.

Probing Logic (Limerick)

Thursday, September 20th, 2018

Apply logic: Who’s likely to lie
About something that most would decry?
The woman who asked
That G-men be tasked
With a probe? Or “NO-FBI Guy?”

Trump On The Attack

Tuesday, December 26th, 2017

Trump’s attacking his OWN FBI.
And no one should have to ask why:
After decades of sinning,
Capped off by some winning,
His Reckoning Day appears nigh.