Marketing A Unicorn (Limerick)

There’s an ad with a rather odd twist;
A GOP health ad, whose gist
Is the plan that replaces
Obamacare’s aces…
What a shame such plan DOESN’T exist.

The American Action Network, a conservative advocacy group linked to House GOP leadership, is running an ad claiming that an unidentified Republican “plan will create a health insurance system that has ‘more choices,’ ‘better care,’ and ‘lower costs’ than the ACA.”

You can watch the BS ad here.

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One Response to “Marketing A Unicorn (Limerick)”

  1. MBK,
    always good stuff. thanks,

    my insight into the quick vote to “repeal” the ACA is little more than an opportunity for the rabid right congressmen to check the box: i voted to repeal the ACA. there’s no need to deliver results, we’ve never before.

    my TOTS (tweet of the season) suggests finding ( in 2018 ) a trump voter will be akin to ( in 1968 ) trying to find a german soldier who fought on the western front. i know, i tried..

    in searching for a title for the guy: for the next few days: the future former-president-elect, after friday: the former-pesident-elect. a cousin has supplied a candidate for his secret-service id: Agent Orange.

    maybe fertile stuff for lady limerick.

    ~ m ‘n m