My “Dear John” Edwards Letter

My “Dear John” Edwards Letter (Limerick)
By Madeleine Begun Kane

Dear John, to your run I said, “Yay!”
And I thought you’d go far, come what may.
Then you cheat on your spouse
And deny it, you louse!
But will Coulter stop calling you gay?[tags]John Edwards, Ann Coulter, Horny Politicians, Cheating Husbands, Presidential Campaigns[/tags]

9 Responses to “My “Dear John” Edwards Letter”

  1. enigma4ever says:

    omg …too funny…

  2. Very funny! :o) I just love limericks. (In this day and age, you could probably email this to him…)

  3. christine says:

    This is so clever! You should send it to the Huffington Post. ;-)

  4. twitches says:

    This has inspired me to write a limerick about Coulter. Stay tuned!

    And I can’t stop thinking about what the hell this would have done to us if he’d gotten the nomination. I was such an Edwards fan, not that I care what he does in his private life, but still. It would’ve tanked the Dems.

  5. The Skwib says:

    Carnival of Satire (#104)…

    Sometimes, love just isn’t enough, and sometimes it leads us astray. Dereck shares a touching good-bye note to a Dear Cubicle.
    Speaking of heart-felt good-byes, Madeleine Begun Kane has another kind of My “Dear John” Letter.


  6. when i was a lad,
    you can imagine how glad
    was i on one day-o
    getting autograph of mayo (1)
    only next day he’s dead.(2)
    (1. smith, mgr phila phillies)
    (2. actually only fired)

    which means i sent John Edward $25 on the day before he dropped out.