Dear Editor: Enough With The Polls, Already!
Dear Editor: Enough With the Polls, Already!
By Madeleine Begun Kane
My int’rest in polling is waning:
Who’s winning, who’s losing, who’s gaining.
Tell me where these guys stand—
Who’s a liar? What’s canned?
Give me substance — not horse race-campaigning.
Update: Don Davis has a fun take on the same topic. And the witty and oh so modest Jon Swift has posted the best blog posts of 2007 as chosen by the bloggers themselves. [tags]Presidential Campaigns, Election Humor, Polls Humor, Horse Race Politics, Media Humor[/tags]
True enough, true enough.
Love your poll on the sidebar. Clever.
I say Bravo!
Polls are a lot like pols…changeable and without much value.
Oh, I so agree with you on this subject! I don’t believe a thing that comes out of their mouths. Great limerick!
Like the poem, *love* the poll!
I agree. Though I’m even sicker of mindless coverage of Britney and the rest of the celebrity gang.
Writers from across the blogosphere – Writers’ Block carnival…
Welcome to the January 5, 2008 edition of writers from across the blogosphere. Enjoy!
M. Cruz presents Developing Unique Characters – Its The Little Things That Count! posted at NOIRLECROI.COM.
Steve Osborne presents Proofreading Tip…
Obama is going to crush Hillary in New Hampshire!
Thanks, everyone!
[…] Madeliene Kane wrote a poem about polls. […]
Well done!
[…] Madeleine Begun Kane presents Dear Editor: Enough With The Polls, Already! posted at Mad Kane’s Political Madness. […]
[…] Madeleine Begun Kane presents Dear Editor: Enough With The Polls, Already! posted at Mad Kane’s Political Madness. […]
[…] Madeleine Begun Kane presents Dear Editor: Enough With The Polls, Already! posted at Mad Kane’s Political Madness. […]