At long last, the real reason George W. Bush vetoed SCHIP:

By Madeleine Begun Kane

Bush vetoed S-CHIP
Cuz he had a better plan:
No Child Left Alive.

(You can find more of my health humor here.) 

Ayn Clouter seasons
Her blog with parody poems,
Inspiring laughter.

Why did I post a haiku about Ayn Clouter?  Because she responded to my SCHIP haiku with some haiku of her own. [tags]SCHIP Humor, Children’s Health Insurance Plan[/tags]

14 Responses to “SCHIP Haiku”

  1. VJB says:

    Suffer, the little children– a haiku this time, someday a sonnet:

    The ‘limousine’ child,
    nose pressed to clinic window
    if not for S-CHIP.

  2. madkane says:

    Thanks VJB for the lovely haiku. Looking forward to the sonnet. :)

  3. VJB says:

    A Simple Sonnet, by VJB


  4. Propaganda Haikuist says:

    Conservatives heard
    Christ had suffered the children
    and His base was pleased

  5. madkane says:

    Cool! Another haiku! Thanks Propaganda Haikuist!

  6. […] Once again, the Pyrrhic victory of ideology over poetic sense has been exampled by that Laureatess of the Leftness, Mad Kane herself. Despite my helpful corrective suggestions to her in the past, she continues to write what she believes to be haiku, while ignoring the deeper beauty of the medium. Consider her latest barrage at the only President we have, which she describes as “the real reason George W. Bush vetoed SCHIP”. It’s at “SCHIP Haiku”. Go ahead and read it; I’ll wait. […]

  7. Propaganda Villainelleist? (sorry PH!) says:

    Haiku? The latest craze is the Villainelle!

    The President clings to his lil’ veto.
    “No health care fore the children of the poor!”
    Like the words of an evil bandito.

    His new clothes? An invisible speedo.
    The Emperor’s got nothing on this boor.
    The President clings to his lil’ veto.

    Worse than the logic of Tom Tancredo,
    “This comes direct from socialism’s spore!”
    Like the words of an evil bandito.

    The powers that we thought once were neato
    make the country worse off still, more and more.
    The President clings to his lil’ veto.

    Without popular support they cheat-o
    defying resolutions from the floor,
    like the words of an evil bandito.

    Our children’s health care? Still not complete-o!
    And we still have this muthaf**ki’n’ war,
    Yet the president clings to his tiny veto,
    like the words of an evil bandito.

    Sorry to put you all through that, I thought of the idea and then later realized that I’d actually have to come up with 6 rhymes for the word “veto.” And to those Tom Tancredo supporters out there, yes, I blatantly used his name ‘cuz it almost rhymes, and yes, he does have some pretty crazy ideas about Mexican folks.

    Hooray for bad and challenging poetry!

    -The Propaganda Villainelleist? (with apologies to Propaganda Haikuist. I couldn’t resist.)

  8. […] By now everyone is aware of what Mad Kane refers to as the Shrubbery’s No Child Left Alive plan, and the response by a middle-school kid from Baltimore. […]

  9. madkane says:

    Thanks Propaganda Villainelliest. That was fun!

  10. Propaganda Haikuist says:

    Inherit the meek
    If you can afford the tax
    of true divine love

  11. Steve Bates says:

    No haiku or villanelle from me today… I just wanted to say that “No Child Left Alive” needs to be added to every canon or dictionary of lefty phrases. I certainly plan to use it, with due credit, of course!

  12. madkane says:

    Thanks, Steve!

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  14. […] Madeleine Begun Kane presents SCHIP Haiku posted at Mad Kane’s Political Madness. […]